Mark Blyth Mackenzie Lecture 2015 – Austerity and the Politics of Money
Mark Blyth provides a critical assessment of austerity policies across Europe and their effectiveness and impact.
GV311 Week 1: Introduction to British Government
An introduction to the various themes that will be covered during this lecture series.
Speakers: Professor Tony Travers and Professor Simon Hix.
Lecture 22 - Public Policy and Presidential Politics
American History: From Emancipation to the Present (AFAM 162)
In this lecture, Professor Holloway gives a political biography of Jesse Jackson as a way to help understand the shifting cultural politics of the 1960s, the rise of a different array of politics in the 1970s, and the high politics of the 1980s. Professor Holloway traces Jackson's ascension into Martin Luther King's inner-circle, his work in Chicago with Operation Breadbasket and then later with Operation PUSH, his reaction to King's assassination, his national economic boycotts, and his 1984 and 1988 presidential campaigns. In the second half of the lecture, Professor Holloway turns to the national stage, surveying the political and social milieu around President Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan's administrations, focusing specifically on the latter two. While Jimmy Carter diversified the executive branch of the federal government through White House appointments, Ronald Reagan had a more covert approach to racial politics. By claiming that the federal government was the real problem, and calling for a return to states' rights, Reagan implicitly supported the centralizing power of racists like Bull Connor and organizations like the KKK. Thus, Professor Holloway explains, as public race baiting fell out of favor, conservatives like Reagan adopted a way of talking about race without ever mentioning it.
00:00 - Chapter 1. Introduction: The Political Biography of Jesse Jackson
06:07 - Chapter 2. Jesse Jackson forms Operation Breadbasket
14:02 - Chapter 3. Jesse Jackson forms Operation PUSH
21:21 - Chapter 4. Jesse Jackson runs for President
31:54 - Chapter 5. The Political and Social Milieu around President Nixon and Ford's Administrations
33:53 - Chapter 6. The Political and Social Milieu around President Jimmy Carter's Administration
39:42 - Chapter 7. The Political and Social Milieu around President Ronald Reagan's Administration
Complete course materials are available at the Yale Online website:
This course was recorded in Spring 2010.
Political Science 30: Politics and Strategy, Lec 1, UCLA
Political Science 30: Politics and Strategy
January 8th, 2008
Taught by UCLA's Professor Kathleen Bawn, this courses is an introduction to study of strategic interaction in political applications. Use of game theory and other formal modeling strategies to understand politics are also studied in order to gain a better understanding of politics at large.
Winter 2008
* See all the UCLA Political Science 30: Politics and Strategy classes in this series:
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* See more from UCLA's main channel on YouTube:
1. Introduction: What is Political Philosophy?
Introduction to Political Philosophy (PLSC 114)
Professor Smith discusses the nature and scope of political philosophy. The oldest of the social sciences, the study of political philosophy must begin with the works of Plato and Aristotle, and examine in depth the fundamental concepts and categories of the study of politics. The questions which regimes are best? and what constitutes good citizenship? are posed and discussed in the context of Plato's Apology.
00:00 - Chapter 1. What Is Political Philosophy?
12:16 - Chapter 2. What Is a Regime?
22:19 - Chapter 3. Who Is a Statesman? What Is a Statesman?
27:22 - Chapter 4. What Is the Best Regime?
Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website:
This course was recorded in Fall 2006.
Politics and the First World War - Professor Sir Richard Evans
The First World War put unprecedented strains on the economic, social and political systems of all the combatant nations. A year after the war ended, the Great European Empires had collapsed, and new, extremist ideologies, from fascism to communism, had emerged to disturb the postwar political world.
This lecture explores the reasons for the radical political changes that made the First World War the seminal catastrophe of twentieth-century Europe.
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website:
Gresham College has been giving free public lectures since 1597. This tradition continues today with all of our five or so public lectures a week being made available for free download from our website. There are currently over 1,700 lectures free to access or download from the website.
Lecture 20. The Politics of Gender and Culture
American History: From Emancipation to the Present (AFAM 162)
The early 1970s marked a moment of social confusion, violence, and cultural excitement carried over from the late 1960s. In this lecture, Professor Holloway canvasses some of the political turmoil of this era and the ways that it was reflected in popular culture. By examining musical achievements like Marvin Gaye's album, What's Going On?, and some of Stevie Wonder's songs recorded around this time, it becomes clear that black cultural producers were wrestling with Vietnam, economic despair, ecological despair, poverty, and urban decay. Yet the early 1970s was also a moment of black cultural celebration, and Professor Holloway explores the complicated messages about black sexuality in general, and black masculinity and the role of black women in specific, depicted in blaxploitation films like Shaft, Sweet Sweetback's Badasssss Song, Super Fly, and Foxy Brown.
Warning: This lecture contains graphic content and/or adult language that some users may find disturbing.
00:00 - Chapter 1. Events Surrounding the Invasion of Cambodia
05:24 - Chapter 2. Marvin Gaye Album: What's going on?
15:36 - Chapter 3. Shaft: The Celebration of Black Masculinity, Virility, and Culture
22:48 - Chapter 4. Blaxploitation Film: Sweet Sweetback's Badasssss Song
28:16 - Chapter 5. Blaxploitation Film: Super Fly
35:43 - Chapter 6. Blaxploitation Film: Foxy Brown
42:40 - Chapter 7. Stevie Wonder
Complete course materials are available at the Yale Online website:
This course was recorded in Spring 2010.
2015 Castle Lectures - Africa, A Half-Century of Dysfunctional Politics
The 2015 Castle Lectures - Africa: The Last Frontier for Development – Lecture 2: A Half-Century of Dysfunctional Politics
Africa has lagged the rest of the developing world in terms of economic development, health, the establishment of social order, and the consolidation of democracy. For development outcomes, compared to other regions of the world, Africa is the “last frontier”. This lecture series will first survey the dimensions of development failures, and then will identify the historical and political sources accounting for this lag. Finally, it will point to some hopeful trends.
Speaker: David Laitin, James T. Watkins IV and Elise V. Watkins Professor of Political Science, Stanford University
Social and Political Philosophy Lecture #1: Introduction
Michael Nacht Distinguished Lecture on Politics and Public Policy
Michael Nacht Distinguished Lecture on Politics and Public Policy: Peter D. Hart - The Mood of America and the 2010 Elections
Peter D. Hart is one of the leading analysts of public opinion in the United States. Since 1971, he has been chairman of Peter D. Hart Research Associates.
As an established leader in survey research, Mr. Hart, along with Bill McInturff of Public Opinion Strategies, has been the pollster for NBC News and The Wall Street Journal since 1989. In the political realm, Mr. Hart has represented 40 U.S. senators and 30 governors, ranging from Hubert Humphrey and Lloyd Bentsen, to Jay Rockefeller and Bob Graham. Additional focuses on public policy and cultural statistics have included work for such clients as the Smithsonian Institution, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and the Kennedy Center. In the international realm, Hart Research has undertaken studies in South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Mr. Hart appears frequently on the major television programs that discuss public policy issues, including Meet the Press, The Today Show, and The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. For the past 26 years, he has been a Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow. He has taught public opinion and public policy at Duke University, the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, and currently at UC Berkeley. Mr. Hart holds a Bachelor's degree from Colby College.
The National Journal named Mr. Hart to its select list of 150 national leaders who shape federal government policy, characterizing him as probably the foremost Washington pollster for the Democratic Party and its centrist candidates, who plays a key role in identifying and shaping national trends and political messages. In 2002, Mr. Hart was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Contribution to Campaign Consulting by the American Association of Political Consultants (AAPC).
Oxford London Lecture 2012: 21st Century -- The Last Century of Youth
Professor Sarah Harper looks at the rapidly declining percentage of young people across the world as the population ageing moves across the globe.
She asks what implications this will have for societies, their economies and political structures. Professor Harper will also consider the potential collision of the two great 21st century transitions -- the demographic and the environmental - will they be complimentary or in conflict?
In association with the Guardian
The 2012 CLARK KERR LECTURES - The Dynamics Ramify: Academic Politics, Conflict and Inequality
Lecture 2: The Dynamics Ramify: Academic Politics, Conflict and Inequality
The second lecture extends the first. Among the consequences of a history of accretions is a structured inflexibility--a limited ability to respond to demographic changes, economic fluctuations, and competitors for resources. Even more profound consequences are found in the managerial implications for college and university management and politics. Accretion generates more complex and unmanageable organizations and multiplies the numbers and types of internal and external constituencies. These have transformed leadership and politics in academic life, including the tradition of shared faculty governance. The lecturer also analyses the cumulative impact of accretions on the prestige hierarchies both among research and collegiate institutions and among academic disciplines. The crisis of the humanities is given special attention.
The lecture series was established in 2001 under the auspices of the Center for Studies in Higher Education on the Berkeley campus. Initial funding for the lectures was provided by the University of California's Office of the President, and subsequently major complementary funding has been received from the Carnegie Corporation. The Center for Studies in Higher Education has established an agreement with the University of California Press for publication of the second and future lectures.
The 2012 Clark Kerr lecturer will be Neil Smelser, one of the most distinguished and accomplished leaders of American Higher Education and recognized as a profound observer of higher education. He joined the UC Berkeley faculty in 1958 and has authored eighteen books, including Theory of Collective Behavior. He is a University Professor Emeritus of Sociology for the University of California. His distinguished career has been entirely at the Berkeley campus except for a period in which he was Director of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford. His research has focused on what he calls the macroscopic social structural level of social life, including economic sociology, social change, social movements, and the sociology of education. He is also a trained psychoanalyst. His most recent book, published by the University of California Press in 2010, is Reflections on the University of California: From the Free Speech Movement to the Global University. Smelser is a former president of the American Sociological Association, a member of the National Academy of Sciences, and a member of the American Philosophical Society.
Professor Smelser's three lectures in the series will be given January 24th and 31st, and February 7th, 2012, on the Berkeley campus, with the third lecture also being given February 14th on the Riverside campus. His subject is Higher Education: The Play of Continuity and Crisis. In the lectures he will present a general view of social change, especially in universities, and interpret contemporary problems, controversies, and enigmas.
The three lectures are scheduled for:
* January 24, 4 pm, UC Berkeley Art Museum
* January 31, 4 pm, UC Berkeley Art Museum
* February 7, 4 pm, UC Berkeley Art Museum, repeated on February 14 at UC Riverside.
The series honors Clark Kerr, who served as president of the university between 1958 and 1967. Lectures are given at one or more of the university's ten campuses. Kerr headed the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education and then the Carnegie Council on Policy Studies in Higher Education from 1967 until 1979. He came to UC Berkeley in 1945 as an associate professor of industrial relations and was chancellor at Berkeley from 1952 until 1958.
Recipients of the honor are selected once every two years and are sponsored by Center for Studies in Higher Education (CSHE).
For more information about any of CSHE's lectures and events, contact the Center for Studies in Higher Education at 510-642-5040 or email [email protected].
Introduction to Political Science
What is political science? Why study political science? What are the major subdisciplines within the broad discipline of political science? What are some career options available to those that major or minor in political science? Why should political science interest you? How does it impact your life? How is political science relevant today? In this video clip (recorded on 11/23/13), Professor Sukkary answers the questions above and briefly introduces the discipline of political science.
An Introduction to International Relations: Steven Pickering
In this video Steven Pickering, of the Department of Government explains the meaning and signifigance of information in International relations and questions how the nature of information has changed. He begins his Introduction to International Relations lecture by looking at the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Our Introduction to International Relations (GV103) module provides an understanding of international politics and how to apply theoretical concepts to signifigant historical events.
To find out more about studying Government and Politics at Essex go to:
University of Virginia professor Paul Cantor, curator of the Shakespeare and Politics website ( in the first of three lectures on Hamlet.
Noam Chomsky Lectures on Modern-Day American Imperialism: Middle East and Beyond
Noam Chomsky, an emeritus professor of linguistics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a well-known political activist critical of U.S. foreign policy, traces modern-day American imperialism to its earliest roots, 25 years before the American Revolution, and he explains how the United States has lived up to its reputation as the most frightening and dangerous country in the world.
Hosted by Boston University School of Law and the Boston University Anti-War Coalition on April 24, 2008.
B A First Year Political Science Paper 1, Unit 1
2015 Castle Lectures - Africa: The Unfulfilled Dreams of African Independence
The 2015 Castle Lectures - Africa: The Last Frontier for Development – Lecture 1: The Unfulfilled Dreams of African Independence
Africa has lagged the rest of the developing world in terms of economic development, health, the establishment of social order, and the consolidation of democracy. For development outcomes, compared to other regions of the world, Africa is the “last frontier”. This lecture series will first survey the dimensions of development failures, and then will identify the historical and political sources accounting for this lag. Finally, it will point to some hopeful trends.
Speaker: David Laitin, James T. Watkins IV and Elise V. Watkins Professor of Political Science, Stanford University.
Keswick Hall Lectures 2016 - Religion and British Politics | University of East Anglia
Baroness Sayeeda Warsi (former Minister of State for Faith and Communities) and Aaqil Ahmed (BBC Head of Religion and Ethics) visited UEA to take part in a debate chaired by the Rt Hon Prof Charles Clarke. This event was the first in a new series of public talks exploring the current relationship between religion and British politics. The series is hosted by the Religious Literacy Network at UEA, a project designed to promote better understanding of the major faiths at a time when issues surrounding religious communities are often in the public consciousness. Find out more about our events at
Giorgio Agamben. Language, Media and Politics. 2011
Giorgio Agamben, contemporary philosopher, discusses the misconception of modern media, government, power, commandment, oath, grace, language, the night of the soul, and Saint John of the Cross. This is the sixth lecture of his 2011 summer seminar. Public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland.
Giorgio Agamben is perhaps Italy's most famous contemporary philosopher; as a leading figure in both philosophy and radical political thought, he has been intimately connected, along with Antonio Negri and Paolo Virno to Italy's post-1968 leftist politics. During his tenure as professor at the Universita di Venizia, he has written widely on philosophy, politics, theology as well as radical critical theory—indeed, there is little in the world of critical theory that he has not at some point touched upon. Working in the wake of such thinkers as Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida, as well as Martin Heidegger (with whom he studied with as a post-doctoral student) Agamben has become one the most influential thinkers of his generation, concerned primarily with the proper ethical and political task of thought.
With over sixteen titles translated into English so far, Agamben's work covers fields as diverse as Biblical studies, cinema, classical and medieval literature, linguistics, juridic philosophy, as well as commentary on world politics, theories of language, friendship, art, aesthetics, poetics and more. Agamben, continuing the work of both Foucault and Derrida through incisive studies of history and philosophy, as well as philology, seeks to confront and unwind the aporias and gaps which bind us in our mundane existence. Agamben's key question, to which which he draws attention in his introduction to the English language translation of Infancy and History, is what it means for language to exist. Through Infancy and History, Language and Death, and most recently, The Open, Agamben critically reconsiders what it takes for metaphysical presuppositions to exist, and indeed claims that the defining essence of mankind is that of having a language. In Infancy, Agamben is seeking to define the moment of experience which precedes the acquisition of language, not in a temporal or behavioral sense, but rather as a moment which continues to reside in any appropriation of language.
Giorgio Agamben's translated books include The Coming Community (U Minnesota, 1993); Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life (Stanford, 1998); The Open: Man and Animal (Stanford, 2002); State of Exception (U Chicago, 2003).
Charles Taylor Lecture: Master Narratives of Modernity
For more on this event, visit:
For more on the Berkley Center, visit:
October 21, 2008 | World-renowned philosopher Charles Taylor explored the master narratives of modernity -- sound in some respects, but questionable in others -- that provide the matrix within which secularization theories have been advanced. This was the first of the 2008 Berkley Center lectures on the topic Narratives of Secularity. The lectures surveyed the master narratives which have underpinned secularization, explored more adequate ones, and hazarded a picture of the present predicament of religion and spirituality in the West.
Charles Taylor is one of the world's leading scholars working at the intersection of religion, secularity, and modernity. A philosopher open to other humanities and social science disciplines, he has authored many path-breaking books, including The Sources of the Self (1992), Multiculturalism: Examining the Politics of Recognition (1994) and, most recently, A Secular Age (2007). Taylor was for many years Professor for Political Sciences and Philosophy at the McGill University in Montreal, Canada, where he now serves as professor emeritus. He was awarded the Templeton Prize in 2007.
F2a2 Politics lectures
Lecture 2 of 2 on political power distribution in the USA.
The Politics of International Law: Martti Koskenniemi
The Lauterpacht Centre for International Law (LCIL), University of Cambridge hosts a regular Friday lunchtime lecture series on key areas of International Law. Previous subjects have included UN peacekeeping operations, the advisory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, the crime of agression, whaling, children and military tribunals, and theories and practices for proving individual responsibility criminal responsibility for genocide and crimes against humanity.
This lecture, entitled 'The Politics of International Law', was delivered at the Lauterpacht Centre on Thursday 26th January 2012 by Professor Martti Koskenniemi, Professor of International Law and Director of the Erik Castrén Institute, University of Helsinki. For more information about the series, please see the LCIL website at
Professor Koskenniemi is introduced by Professor James Crawford of the University of Cambridge and Lauterpacht Centre for International Law.
Mass Jewish Politics in the Modern Era
This lecture briefly covers the rise of mass Jewish politics at the turn of the 20th century, looking at the rise of Jewish Socialism, Zionism, and other movements. Part of the Essential Lectures in Jewish History series available at
Using quantitative data for political analysis
In this lecture, Dr Rob Johns explores using quantitative, rather than qualitative, data when carrying out political analysis. This lecture is taken from our module on 'Political Analysis' (GV200) which is compulsory for 2nd year students in: BA Politics, BA Economics and Government, BA Politics and International Relations, BA Democratic Politics and BA European Politics.
To find out more about studying politics at Essex go to:
Fast Track Course for GS Prelims Polity Lecture 01
18 April 2016
Indian Constitution - Preamble 00:01 to 52:26
State and Union territories - Article 01- Article 04 - 52:27 to 2:21:55
Citizenship - Article 05 - Article 05 - Article 11- 2:21:26 till end
After the EU Referendum: What Next for Britain and Europe?
Presented by the Harold Laski Chair and Professor of Political Science, Simon Hix, this lecture will discuss the political and economic ramifications for Britain and Europe following the EU Referendum results. Professor Simon Hix is one of the leading researchers, teachers, and commentators on EU politics and institutions in the UK. He has published over 100 books and articles on various aspects of EU, European, British and comparative politics. He regularly gives evidence to committees in the UK House of Commons and House of Lords, and in the European Parliament, and he has advised the UK Cabinet Office and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office under both Labour and Conservative administrations.
Recorded on 29 June 2016
This event was organised by the LSE Summer School in partnership with The UK in a Changing Europe.
LSE Summer School:
The UK in a Changing Europe:
George Lakoff: Moral Politics
UC Berkeley professor of Cognitive Science and Linguistics George Lakoff explores how successful political debates are framed by using language targeted to people's values instead of their support for specific government programs in this public lecture sponsored by the Helen Edison Series at UC San Diego. Series: Helen Edison Lecture Series [11/2005] [Public Affairs] [Show ID: 11194]
Aung San Suu Kyi on politics and education for Kapuscinski Development Lectures
Aung San Suu Kyi, charismatic pro-democracy opposition leader in Myanmar and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, delivered a Kapuscinski Development Lecture on education and politics at Warsaw University on 12 September 2013.
The Politics and Ethics of the Rise of China: David Kang
This is a lecture from the lecture series The Politics and Ethics of the Rise of China hosted by the Ethics and Public Life program of Cornell University. More information can be found at:
David Kang (University of Southern California) lectures on the Impact of China's Rise on International Relatons and Regional Stability.
This lecture took place at Cornell University on January 30, 2012.
Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford University
Want to know more about studying at Oxford University? Watch this short film to hear tutors and students talk about this undergraduate degree. For more information on this course, please visit our website at
Notes on how to prepare are here:
Lectures in History Preview: Politics & Economics in the 1970s
A graduate-level seminar on politics and economics with history professor Judith Stein. She examines the 1974 resignation of President Nixon, Jimmy Carter's defeat of President Ford in 1976, and President Carter's attempts to deal with inflation and the energy crisis. This is from the City University of New York Graduate Center.
2. Introductory Lecture
Moral Foundations of Politics (PLSC 118)
The trial of Adolf Eichmann, as presented in Hannah Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem, is the topic of discussion. Professor Shapiro asks students what made them uncomfortable, not only about Eichmann's actions as a Nazi officer, but also the actions of Israel in capturing, extraditing, trying, and executing him. This begs the questions, what makes a government legitimate? And more specifically, was the Third Reich illegitimate and was Eichmann breaking some kind of higher law? After class discussion, Professor Shapiro frames the five traditions that were introduced in the previous class as ways to answer this question of governmental legitimacy, and introduces John Locke, the topic of the next lecture, as a backdrop for these traditions.
00:00 - Chapter 1. Who Was Adolf Eichmann?
05:44 - Chapter 2. Analyzing Eichmann's Actions
11:30 - Chapter 3. Analyzing Eichmann's Apprehension, Trial and Execution
25:24 - Chapter 4. Eichmann's Actions versus His Apprehension, Trial and Execution
32:03 - Chapter 5. Five Traditions: What Makes a Regime Legitimate or Illegitimate?
Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website:
This course was recorded in Spring 2010.
Jay Carney Lectures on Politics of Mercy in Post-Genocide Rwanda
Jay Carney, assistant professor of theology and director of the African studies program at Creighton University, gave a lecture at Holy Cross titled, The Politics and Praxis of Mercy: Ambassadors of Reconciliation in Post-Genocide Rwanda.
His talk, held April 14, 2016, was sponsored by the Rev. Michael C. McFarland, S.J. Center for Religion, Ethics and Culture and its initiative on Catholics & Cultures. Learn more at
Michael Hardt on The Politics of Love and Evil
Big Ideas presents Duke University Literary Theorist, Michael Hardt, discussing The Politics of Love and Evil
Electoral politics | class 9 cbse civics | social study
Subscribe to my youtube channel for more best Physics lectures.You can visit for more educational lectures.These lectures are brought to you by Jagjivan Singh Cheema,Vpo-pipaltha,Tehsil-Narwana,Distt-Jind Haryana,India-126116
Lectures on the Politics of God and the Politics of Man: 01 Introduction Part 1
This is the first of a series of lectures on politics, religion and social order from a Christian perspective by Stephen Perks.
Jonathan Haidt: The moral roots of liberals and conservatives
Psychologist Jonathan Haidt studies the five moral values that form the basis of our political choices, whether we're left, right or center. In this eye-opening talk, he pinpoints the moral values that liberals and conservatives tend to honor most.
Tamar Gendler: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Politics and Economics
Tamar Gendler, Department of Philosophy Chair at Yale University, Cognitive Scientist
Who gets what and who says so? These two questions underlie and inform every social arrangement from the resolution of schoolyard squabbles to the meta-structure of human societies. They are also the basis of political philosophy. Professor Tamar Gendler uses the work of three titans of the discipline, Thomas Hobbes, John Rawls, and Robert Nozick, as a lens to guide us through the taut debate about the role of government in society, asking Will we embrace the radical state of nature or will we surrender our freedom to the leviathan of the state?
The Floating University
Originally released September 2011.
Additional Lectures:
Michio Kaku: The Universe in a Nutshell
Joel Cohen: An Introduction to Demography (Malthus Miffed: Are People the Problem?)
Steven Pinker: Linguistics as a Window to Understanding the Brain
Leon Botstein: Art Now (Aesthetics Across Music, Painting, Architecture, Movies, and More.)
Judith Butler, “Legal Violence: An Ethical and Political Critique”
Tanner Lectures on Human Values - Interpreting Non-Violence
“Legal Violence: An Ethical and Political Critique”
Judith Butler is Maxine Elliot Professor in the Department of Comparative Literature and the Program of Critical Theory at the University of California Berkeley. She served as founding director of the Critical Theory Program at Berkeley and is currently co-chair of an emerging International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs. Her published works include Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (1990); Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of “Sex” (1993); Excitable Speech: A Politics of the Performative (1997); Precarious Life: Powers of Violence and Mourning (2004); Undoing Gender (2004); Who Sings the Nation-State? Language, Politics, Belonging (with Gayatri Spivak, 2008); Frames of War: When Is Life Grievable? (2009); Is Critique Secular? (with Talal Asad, Wendy Brown, and Saba Mahmood, 2009); Sois Mon Corps (with Catherine Malabou, 2011); Parting Ways: Jewishness and the Critique of Zionism (2012); Dispossession: The Performative in the Political (with Athena Athanasiou, 2013); and most recently, Senses of the Subject (2015) and Notes toward a Performative Theory of Assembly (2015). Future projects include study of messianic gestures in Kafka and Benjamin, philosophical fictions in Freud’s work, and gender in translation.
Butler has received the Andrew Mellon Award for Distinguished Academic Achievement in the Humanities, the Adorno Prize from the City of Frankfurt in honor of her contributions to feminist and moral philosophy, and the Brudner Prize from Yale University for lifetime achievement in gay and lesbian studies. In 2014, she was awarded the diploma of Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters from the French Cultural Ministry and in 2015 she was elected a corresponding fellow of the British Academy and appointed to the International Board of the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt.
IB Taster Day lectures - European Studies & European Politics
Get a taste of a King's lecture from our IB Taster event series. Learn more about studying European Studies & European Politics at
AUS Lectures | The Politics of Piety and the Loss of Spirituality
Dr. Syed Nauman Naqvi, Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences gives a lecture on 'The Politics of Piety and the Loss of Spirituality' at American University of Sharjah (AUS), United Arab Emirates.
-For more information about American University of Sharjah, please visit:
-For more information about the International Studies program offered at AUS, please visit:
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Intro to Intl Envl Politics
Political Science Strategy by IAS TOPPER TINA DABI
#ShubhraRanjan #PoliticalScience Student Tina Dabi (#TINADABI)AIR 1 has TOPPED the civil services exams 2015.
Here she interacts with current batch students on her Political Science strategy for the exams.
Instability in the Middle East | Institute of Politics
Dan Meridor, former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Intelligence of Israel, and His Royal Highness Prince Turki Al-Faisal, former Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the United States and Distinguished Professor at Georgetown University, joined moderator Graham Allison, Director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, in a conversation about the threats that both ISIL and Iran pose to the Middle East. The panelists discussed the similar positions shared by Israel and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on these issues.
Canadian politics 101: Lecture #1
POLITICAL THEORY – Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The 18th century Jean-Jacques Rousseau made the bold claim that modernity and civilisation are not improvements; they’ve dragged us from a primitive state of innocence and happiness. Please subscribe here:
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5. Lecture on Karl Marx
Lecture to second year undergraduate students at Cambridge University in 2001 by Alan Macfarlane on some aspects of the work of Karl Marx. For the background, downloadble version, readings etc. please see
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Shri Ram lectures Bharat on Politics |भगवान श्रीराम ने दिया राजधर्म का उपदेश IShri Ram Navmi Special
राम नवमी Ram Navmi special Satsang - Ram ji ne diya Raj dharm ka updesh
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PDF The New Science of Politics: An Introduction
['PDF'] ['EPUB'] _DOWNLOAD FREE_: The New Science of Politics: An Introduction (Walgreen Foundation Lectures)
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