Ooglifting met PlexR

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    PlexR behandeling onderkant ogen/ wallen - diesnaloomans.nl


    De eerste #plexr behandeling is mij zo erg goed bevallen dat ik nu voor een 2e ga, dit keer de onderkant van mijn ogen / wallen. Plexr soft surgery word hier uitgevoerd door Babak van #Clinic63 .
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    Plexr - before and afters - real results


    People always need to know what the procedure involves,whats the recovery time and what results they can expect with Plexr .
    Plexr is a machine that produces skin contraction .
    It can be utilised in a number of different clinical situations .
    Its often advertised as a lunchtime eyelift or lunchtime procedure but it is not an afternoon Recovery .

    Swelling can be expected and here are the pictures that demonstrate it ..

    After 15 years in Aesthetics its a great tool to tighten crepey skin ,provide a nonsurgical blepharoplasty , neck tighten ,remove moles and use in conjunction with other aesthetic medical procedures

    Great machine
    Great Results
    See our other videos for techniques

    “Plexr™ ; a revolutionary technology in the field of non-surgical aesthetic medicine is now available at Tracey Bell Liverpool and Isle of Man. For the first time in the history of the aesthetic industry we are now able to remove excess skin in a non-surgical, minimally invasive fashion. The utilization of a controlled micro-beam of plasma to superficial layers of skin allows trained hands to perform multitude of procedures such as upper and lower eyelid lifts, mini face-lifts, and the removal of wrinkles, unsightly scars, stretch marks and even tattoos. And all of this without the use of scalpel or sutures that so predominated previous attempts at beautification. It’s no wonder that Plexr™ was a top finalist for Product Innovation of the Year and came Highly Commended at the 2015 Aesthetic Awards. The procedure is virtually pain-free, takes a few minutes and leaves the patient with no visible down-time. Swelling is also minimized and optimal results are achieved within 1 to 3 sessions, depending on the amount of skin that needs to be removed. In a world where emphasis is placed on Anti-aging, this device actually treats the effects of aging. Wrinkles that are deep would also benefit from such technology, where toxins and fillers become ineffective. Treatments are problem-orientated and result in long-term solutions for aging, where previous concepts only camouflaged the symptoms of aging. The specifics of this technology epitomize the ideals that a select few modern doctors Plexr practices, which is the goal to provide excellent long-term results through minimally invasive actions”

    The Plexr treatments are available in our Liverpool City Centre (Liverpool One) practice and Isle Of Man practices.

    Find out more:

    01624 613323

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    Laatst bezocht ik de SOAP treatment store in Amsterdam voor een PlexR behandeling, een ooglidcorrectie zonder onder het mes te gaan.

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    Hi iedereen, ik ben Serena Verbon, ik ben 32 jaar en ik woon samen met mijn katjes Coco en Clarence in Houten. Ik ben fulltime beautyblogger en YouTuber. Op dit kanaal plaats ik elke woensdag- en zondagochtend een nieuwe video.

    Mijn zusjes zijn ook op YouTube te vinden, dit is hun kanaal:

  • Plexr Trattamenti | GMV


    Strumento totalmente wireless in grado di effettuare tutti gli interventi di Chirurgia Non Ablativa, utilizza il quarto stato della materia: il Plasma. I tessuti trattati “Sublimano” evitando così di comunicare alle zone circostanti quantità di calore indesiderate.

    - Blefaroplastica non Chirurgica
    - Cicatrici da acne
    - Cheloidi
    - Calazio
    - Cheratosi
    - Macchie Cutanee
    Solo alcuni dei Trattamenti che si possono effettuare con il Plexr.

    Visita il Nostro sito per avere maggiori informazioni e per scoprire i prossimi corsi gratuiti sulla Soft Surgery


  • Plexr- revolutionary baggy eyelid removal- without surgery!


    The eyes have long been associated with youth and beauty but their delicate skin makes them one of the first areas of the face to show signs of ageing. Loose skin, droopy lids or bags under the eye can make you look tired and older than your years. In the past surgery, known as blepharoplasty, may have been the only option, however now a ground-breaking new technique, PlexR® , has made Non-Surgical Blepharoplasty a reality. The PlexR® technology is able to achieve dramatic results without cutting or stitches.

    For non-surgical blepharoplasty, we use soft surgery with PlexR® at LasaDerm which is a revolutionary and patented innovation, opening a new and exciting frontier in the field of Medical Aesthetics. We are very pleased to be able to offer this technology as one of the first clinics in the UK and the technique is performed by our trained, experienced and certified doctor. Non-surgical blepharoplasty is performed without cutting, without removing excess skin or fat and without altering the muscle of the eyelids. This helps avoid all risks inherent to the traditional surgical intervention.

    PlexR®, is a device that forms plasma to sublimate the excess skin. It delivers its energy only on the superficial skin cells, without affecting deeper tissues, thus enabling the perfect plasticity of the eyelid movement immediately after the treatment. The result is immediate reduction of the excess skin on the upper or lower eyelid, as well as the shrinking of the excess skin in the external region around the eye. The benefits are also the improvement of the expression lines at the corner of the eye and the cheekbone (“crow’s feet”).

    This blepharoplasty non surgical technique is defined as “dynamic” as it enables the practitioner to ask clients to open and close their eyes during the treatment. A typical session will last no more than 30 minutes and the tiny point-like crusts will fall off after 3 to 7 days. Depending on the nature and extent of the excess skin and area treated you may need between 1 and 2 treatments

    Please visit our website~

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  • Blefaroplastyka plazmą PlasmaLift Pen Manufaktura Piękna dr Radosław Luch


    Przebieg zabiegu plastyki powiek górnych (blefaroplastyki) za pomocą urządzenia emitującego mikrowiązkę plazmy PlasmaLift Pen. Zabieg pozwala na usunięcie nadmiaru skóry i poprawia pole widzenia u Pacjentów, którzy cierpią na wiotkość skóry górnej powieki. Dzięki zabiegowi z PlasmaLift Pen spojrzenie nabiera świeżości a cała twarz młodnieje. Przebieg pozabiegowy jest krótki i mało uciążliwy dla Pacjenta.
    Gabinet Manufaktura Piękna
    t. +48 609-608-574
    pl. Staszica 22, Wrocław

  • Plexr Soft Surgery System


    Also known as Non-Ablative surgery, Soft Surgery is an innovative system created and designed to avoid hazards and complications linked to surgeries performed using traditional techniques.

    Procedures that were previously unthinkable without using the operating theatre and surgery, such as non-ablative blepharoplasty, and face lifting, are possible today thanks to Soft Surgery, an idea by Professor Fippi, and the equipment designed by him and created by GMV Italia, and distributed exclusively throughout the United Kingdom by Fusion GT.

    For more information about our training courses and machines:

    CALL US NOW: +44 (0) 207 481 1656

    OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE: fusiongt.co.uk

    Fusion GT. The future of aesthetic medicine.

  • Willeke Kamphof over PlexR op Net5


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    Learn how to improve the appearance of atrophic scars with the beautyTeck


    Learn how to improve the appearance of depressed scars by using AC Electrical Arcing, BeautyTeck

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  • Introducing Plexr


    Skinstitute is the first skin care clinic in the Southern Cape and one of the first seven around the country to offer Plexr treatments.

    Plexr is an innovative medical device that was developed in Italy as an alternative to surgery. It uses the ionisation of the gases in the air to form plasma, which creates a small electrical arc that treats problem areas – without spreading unwanted heat to the surrounding skin.

  • Dr. med. Natalie Keller – PlexR®-Behandlung von Striae Bauchnabelstraffung und Narben


    Die ästhetische Hautverjüngung verzeichnet zunehmendes Interesse, wobei der Trend immer mehr zu minimalinvasiven Behandlungstechniken geht. Sichere und wenig belastende Methoden sind besonders gefragt. Als eine der ersten Praxen in Deutschland bieten wir Ihnen diese Behandlung an. Die Therapie ist schmerzarm unter Anwendung einer örtlichen Betäubungscreme durchführbar. Mit einer neuen Technologie, basierend auf der Erzeugung und der Verwendung von physikalischem Plasma, eröffnen sich diesem Trend folgend vielversprechende Behandlungsmöglichkeiten.

    - Obere und untere Augenlidstraffung
    - Straffung von Lippenfältchen
    - Pigmentabtragung
    - Fibrome
    - Narben
    - Akne / Wuchernarben
    - Hautverjüngung
    - Vaginalstraffung / Verjüngung des weiblichen Geschlechts
    - Scheidenstraffung
    - Schamlippenstraffung
    - Tattooentfernung

    Mehr dazu unter:

  • Plexr Leke Tedavisi


    Plexr Maddenin dördüncü halini PLAZMA yı kullanarak, hedef dokuları süblime eder.plexr.com.tr

  • Alles over de PlexR | Furrow.nl


    De Plexr is een nieuwe behandeling waarmee je zonder naald of mes je huid kan verstrakken. Met behulp van (kleine) bliksemflitsen zorgt het apparaat ervoor dat je huidvezels worden samengetrokken met als gevolg een liftend effect. Vooral de dunne huid rond je ogen is geschikt om te behandelen met de Plexr en daarom wordt hij ook wel gezien als hét alternatief voor de ooglidcorrectie.

    Maar er zijn meer gebieden die je met de Plexr kunt behandelen. Benieuwd of jouw indicatie erbij staat? In deze video vertelt cosmetisch arts Rogier Meulenaar alles over de mogelijkheden (en resultaten!) van de Plexr.

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  • Chirurgia estetica: eliminare le cicatrici lasciate dall’acne


    L'acne non è solo un problema che affligge gli adolescenti di tutto il mondo, può avere ripercussioni anche in futuro, lasciando sul volto profondi segni. Un problema che non è solo estetico: in taluni casi diventa anche psicologico, quando le cicatrici sono così marcate da deturpare il viso e creare una condizione di disagio per il paziente.
    La chirurgia delle cicatrici da acne sul volto è estremamente delicata. Il viso è molto irrorato di sangue, la pelle è sottile e si rischia, andando troppo in profondità con abrasioni aggressive, di lasciare ulteriori segni. Per questo è necessario affidarsi a mani sapienti. Esistono diverse tecniche efficaci per porre rimedio all'inestetismo, grazie all'utilizzo di procedure moderne e all'impiego di strumenti di precisione, quali il laser ablativo e il resurfacing, metodi più vigorosi in caso di cicatrici molto visibili. Oppure si possono scegliere interventi con laser frazionati a CO2, capaci di offrire un approccio minimamente invasivo, allo scopo di prevenire, riparare, migliorare e abbellire l'aspetto generale della cute e al contempo in grado di preservare al massimo il tessuto sano perilesionale, migliorando notevolmente i risultati, con tempi di ricupero più brevi.
    La maggior parte degli interventi di Chirurgia Dermatologica sono effettuati ambulatorialmente, senza ricovero ospedaliero, impiegando un’anestesia loco-regionale con lidocaina diluita in soluzione salina, bicarbonato per evitare la sensazione di bruciore e adrenalina come vasocostrittore.
    Il Dott. Vito Abrusci, esperto in tecniche chirurgiche plastico-ricostruttive ed estetiche ed in laser chirurgia, ci illustra un intervento su un giovane paziente con tre diverse tipologie di cicatrici lasciate dall'acne adolescenziale e di conseguenza tre metodologie diverse: laser a CO2 per i segni più superficiali; escissione con chiusura primaria su quelle più estese e profonde, con l’asportazione di una porzione di pelle; subcision (incisione sottocutanea senza tagli) per risollevare il derma lesionato in zone con presenza di peli per preservarli.

    Intervista, riprese e montaggio di Silvia Valenti

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    Plexr ile lekelerin buharlaştırılması yöntemidir. Mucizevi sonuçları vardır, 1 ya da 2 seansda lekeler tümüyle çıkarılabilir. Uygulama sonrasında, güneş koruyucu ve likit fondöten kullanmak gereklidir.

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  • Dr. Gerry Burns talks about Plexr and his 1st Training Course


    Dr. Gerry Burns talks about Plexr and his 1st Training Course with Fusiongt Soft Surgery Uk.

    Plexr is changing the way doctors see the aesthetic medicine.

    Register now and discover the power of PLEXR.
    +44 (0) 207 481 1656

    Fusiongt Soft Surgery Uk. The future of aesthetic medicine.

  • Not Surgical aesthetic blepharoplasty with PLEXR


    Aesthetic Blepharoplasty without surgery with PLEXR. Office based technique. Topical anesthesia: emla cream.
    Setting: Center of Clinical & Surgical Ophthalmology.
    Eye Surgeon: Nikos G. Tsioumas, MD.
    Website: tsioumas.gr

  • Plexr


    Plexr non-surgical blepharoplasty allows patients to zap saggy eyelids, banish dark circles and get rid of crapy saggy skin around the eyes.

  • Diary of Plexr Hooded Eye Treatment - Part 2 - Non surgical Blepharoplasty?


    This is a video about the treatment that is known as non surgical Blepharoplasty. It is Plexr Plasma eye lift treatment, done at Essence Medical in Glasgow with the renowned Dr Bong. This is a diary from before the treatment, to 2 weeks after.

    Plexr Explanation-

    Plasma Eye Lift with Dr Bong -

    My Q&A; with Dr Bong -

    What equipment do I use?

    Canon DSLR UK -
    Canon DSLR US -

    Glamcor light UK -
    Glamcor light US -

    Tabletop studio lights UK -
    Tabletop studio lights US -

    Imac 27 5K computer with iMovie -

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  • Dr David Jack - Plexr blepharoplasty eyelid treatment


    Dr David Jack presents Plexr - a revolutionary new treatment using Plasma technology. Plexr can be used to perform a non-surgical blepharoplasty (or eyelid lift) without cutting the skin. By creating a bolt of lightening energy, Plexr ionises the gas between the instrument and the skin, causing a small core of tissue to be removed. When this is repeated multiple times over the eyelids, or at either side of a wrinkle, the tissue contracts, and tightens as it heals. Dr. Jack offers this treatment at his clinics in Harley Street in London and in Edinburgh.

  • The Plexr treatment - Non-Surgical Blepharoplasty


    A ground-breaking new technique, brought to the UK by Dr Wakil, has made Non-Surgical Blepharoplasty a reality. As a master trainer for this technique, Dr Wakil is able to achieve dramatic results with no cutting or stiches. See the finished results for yourself.
    You can find out more at

  • Blefaroplastica dinamica non ablativa col PLEXR secondo il prof. Giorgio Fippi


    La tecnica usata nel nostro studio per risolvere gli inestetismi delle palpebre senza chirurgia e senza rischi.

    La blefaroplastica, in poche parole, è un intervento che consiste nel tagliare la palpebra, il grasso sottostante ed a volte il muscolo, per rimuovere l'eccesso di pelle. Questo ovviamente necessita di anestesia, incisioni, eliminazione di tessuti e punti di sutura. Ma è possibile effetuare una blefaroplastica dinamica non ablativa?
    Sappiamo quindi cosa è la blefaroplastica, ma sappiamo che è possibile farla in maniera non ablativa, cioè in modo non chirurgico convenzionale senza bisturi e senza laser; la dinamicità sta nel fatto che non viene eseguita nessuna incisione (e quindi non saranno dati punti di sutura) e l'esecuzione della terapia si verifica in maniera dinamica, facendo chiudere ed aprire l'occhio del paziente per verificare l'efficacia del trattamento in tempo reale.
    Non ablativa in quanto non viene rimossa nessuna parte della palpebra e quindi nessun taglio, nessun rischio di cicatrice e complicazioni post-operatorie. L'intervento da noi viene eseguito con il PLEXR, tecnologia moderna al plasma, una forma di energia che vaporizza l'epidermide senza andare in profondità, rimuovendo lo strato superficiale dei corneociti che, come carta adesiva, riduce l'elasticità della pelle. Senza questo strato, la pelle ritorna elastica e il risultato è immediatamente visibile dal paziente stesso poichè non si verificano tagli e quindi sanguinamento. La procedura è normalmente divisa in tre - quattro sedute della durata di pochissimi minuti, non richiede anestesia di infiltrazione ma solo applicazione di crema anestetica di superficie, e permette di non dare nell'occhio ritornando subito ad una vita di relazione eventualmente eseguendo un piccolo CAMOUFLAGE che il nostro team è maestro nell'eseguire.

  • Tratamientos con el plexr


    Tratamientos con Plexr de parpados caIdos (bleflaroplastia no quirurgíca), bolsas en parpado inferior, arrugas de expresión, arrugas peribucales (codigo de barras), eliminación de manchas e imperfecciones de la piel, disminución de cicatrices, estrias y cicatrices de acne.

  • Plexr Soft Surgery at Epilight New Skin Clinic


    Plexr Soft Surgery

    The Revolutionary Plasma Technology That is Transforming People’s Lives!

    Plexr soft surgery gives you non-surgical option to treat a wide range of skin conditions, below are just some of the things this amazing treatment can be used for:

    • Non-Surgical Blepharoplasty (eyelid tightening & lifting)
    • Lower Eyelids / Eyebags
    • Smokers Lines Removal
    • Face lifting & Excess Skin
    • Acne Treatment
    • Correction of Scars
    • Removal of Stretch Marks
    • Removal of Benign Skin Growths, moles, verrucae, keloids and xanthelasmata (fat deposits near eyelids)
    • Belly Button Lifting

    Plexr soft surgery gives a more natural result for both men & women with no telltale scars or broken cappliaries - No One Need Know!

    All treatments are performed with Plexr, the world’s first plasma generator for skin sublimation.

    Plexr known as soft surgery is now recognised by thousands of surgeons around the world as the preferred method for the removal of loose or lax skin on the eyelids, “blepharoplasty”, the face and the body.

    Plexr is a fast and simple, more economical, no fuss treatment that takes around 30 minutes and gives predictable and dramatic results without knives, needles blood or anaesthetic.

    Soft surgery delivers measurable dramatic improvement with minimal risk of scarring or down time and typically healing is extremely fast and uncompliated.

    Plexr is a very safe procedure and is used worldwide in over 3000 facilities.

    With minimal risk, no downtime and much faster healing than with normal surgical procedures, due to no cutting through muscle or tissues, with no blood, and no stitches. Plexr gives instant improvement and predictable results.

    Less Than Half the Cost of Traditional Surgery

    You are unique and so is your Plexr soft surgery. Your treatment is bespoke and designed for your needs. No two procedures are exactly the same. The treatment is delivered expertly and artistically to create your best preferred result.

    Is Plexr reatment right for me? Baggy Eyelids?

    If you suffer from loose skin in your upper/lower eyelids that gives you a “tired” look, may even impact on your vision and you are seeking a non-surgical solution to tighten your skin, then the Plexr could be your answer. Furthermore, Plexr can be used for face and body lifting, acne treatment, scar correction, tattoo removal, belly button stretch marks, removal of benign skin growths and lesions, etc.

  • Dott.ssa Maliheh Karbalai | Rimuovere le cicatrici da acne con PLEXER: prima e dopo.


    Il prima e il dopo di un intervento di chirurgia non ablativa con Plexer, per l' eliminazione dei segni dell' acne sul viso e ringiovanimento del derma.

  • Göz Altı Torbalarına Plexr uygulaması , Göz Altı Tedavisi


    Ameliyatsız Göz Kapağı estetiğinde kullandığımız Plexr tedavisi hem üst göz kapaklarında hem de alt göz kapağı, gözaltı torbaları ve çizgilerinde başarı ile uygulanmaktadır. Ciltte işlem uygulanan bölgenin nokta nokta buharlaştırılması sonrası kalan cilt dokusunun kasılarak cevap vermesi prensibinden faydalanarak fazla olan göz kapağı dokusunun toparlaması sağlanır ve ameliyatsız göz kapaklarının fazlalıklarından hastayı kurtarmayı amaçlar.

  • Easy Instant Eyelid Lift Without Surgery


    Style, Beauty, Anti-Aging, & Health for Women in Their Hot-Flash Years!
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    Instant fix for hooded, saggy, droopy, eyelids without surgery for $5 using eyelash glue and a bobby pin!

    Shopping Links*:
    Eyelash Glue:
    Eyelid Glue Kit:

    Links to tutorials I learned this from:
    Sophia Thao:

    Today's makeup:
    Estee Lauder Double Wear Light in 2.0*: (Amazon), (Sephora)
    Milani Baked Blush in Dolce Pink*: (Amazon)
    NYX Slide on Eye Pencil in Brown*: (Amazon), (Ulta)
    Tarte Lipsurgence Matte in Hope*: (Ulta)
    Victorias Secret Lip Plumper in Clear* -

    Nailpolish: The Balm Hot Ticket in Mellow Yellow

    * Marked links are affiliate links. If you click the link and buy something, I receive a commission for the sale, but it doesn't cost you anything extra. You are free to use the link or not as you choose.
    This is not a sponsored video.

  • Uzm. Dr. Deniz Koral - Plexr Plasma Enerjisi Nedir ?


    Plexr maddenin dördüncü hali olan bir plasma enerjisi ile çalışan bir cihazdır. Plasma enerjisi doğada en yakinen bildiğimiz yıldırım düşmesi ile örnek verilebilir. Aynı zaman da florasan lambalarında kullanılan enerjiye de örnek verilebilir. Plasma enerjisi havada gazı yakmak suretiyle elde ettiğimiz bir enerjidir. Bu enerji ile vücudumuzun istemediğimiz rahatsızlıklarını, problemlerini ortadan kaldırma şansımız mümkündür. Yirmi beş yıllık bir çalışmanın bir sonucu olan plexr vücudumuzda herhangi bir anestezi almanız gerektirmeden sadece lokal anestezi ile bir çok problemi halletmemizi yarayan cihazdır. En çok kullandığımız yerler arasında göz kapağı estetiği gelmektedir. Daha önce sadece ameliyatla düzeltilebilen göz kapağı sorunlarından ameliyatsız blefaroplasti dediğimiz teknik ile plexr cihazı ile kurtulmak mümkündür. Ameliyatsız blefaroplasti ,sadece lokal anestezi kullanmak suretiyle ağrısız, acısız cildimizde bulunan, göz kapağımızda bulunan kırışıklıkları azaltmakta sarkmaları engelleyebilmektedir. Bunun için sadece bir haftalık iyileşme süreci yeterli olmakta kişi iş ve gücünden kalmadan tekrar işine ertesi gün dönebilmektedir. Yapılan tedaviler sonucunda; elde edilen sonuçlar ameliyatla elde edilen sonuçlar karşılandığında yaklaşık olarak aynı zaman diliminde geçerli olduğu görülmüştür. Üç, beş yıl kadar dayanan estetiğe sahip olmak mümkündür. Bu tedavi esnasında herhangi bir yan etki olmadan, enfeksiyon ve lekelenmeler gibi sorunlar yaşanmadan ameliyata oranla daha kolay ve hızlı iyileşmesi ön plana çıkmaktadır. Bu tür tedavilerde göz kapaklarıyla alt ve üst göz kapakları başta olmak üzere, yüzümüzde bulunan diğer kırışıklıklar ile ilgilide tedavi yapılmaktadır. Ha keza cildinizde bulunan benler, siğiller çıkıntılı lezyonlar da plasma enerjisiyle birlikte kullanılan plexr cihazı kullanılabilir. Bu tedavi son derece kolay basit iyileşme süreci çok kısa olan ve komşu dokulara da zarar vermemesi ile birlikte hızlı bir düzelme sağlayan tedavi cihazıdır.

    Uzm. Dr. Deniz Koral
    Deri ve Zührevi Hastalıkları Uzmanı
    Adres:Bağdat Cad. Eren Apt. No:325 Kat:4 D:6 Kadıköy / İstanbul
    Telefon: +90 216 467 33 33
    web: koralklinik.com

  • #1 Plexr behandeling


    wiemooiwilzijn was op bezoek bij Houda Barbery in Laren. De bedoeling was alleen mee te kijken bij een Plexr behandeling maar nu we er toch zijn...

  • Plazma Plexr GözAltı Torba Tedavisi Dermatolog Senem Büyükkara Yılmaz Lara Fener


    Yeni nesil Teknoloji Plazma
    #Plazma #PLEXR ile Ameliyat olmadan #GözAltıTorbaları #GözÇevresiKırışıklığı tedavimiz için Randevu almayı unutmayın 0(242)3310505 #KendiniMutluEt #FenerCaddesiAntalya

  • Diary of Plexr Treatment for Hooded Eyes - Part 3 - Results! Non surgical Blepharoplasty?


    The final results of my Plexr treatment for hooded eyes :0)

    All about Plexr:

    1st Treatment diary:

    Interview with Dr Bong:

    (On March 26th)

    Dr Bong/Essence Medical:

    What equipment do I use?

    Canon DSLR UK -
    Canon DSLR US -

    Glamcor light UK -
    Glamcor light US -

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    Imac 27 5K computer with iMovie -

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    Want to know how to make you tube videos? I have an hour long Amazon video talking about how I do it -

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  • Ooglidcorrectie - Wat kun je verwachten?


    In deze video laten we zien hoe met een ooglidcorrectie hangende oogleden kunnen worden weggewerkt. Plastisch chirurgen van Boerhaave Medische vertellen hoe het gehele proces in zijn werk gaat, van eerste consult tot het eindresultaat. Ook vertellen zij welke operatietechnieken zij gebruiken en welke risico's er kleven aan een onder- of bovenooglidcorrectie.

    Ziekenhuis.nl maakt in samenwerking met Gezondheidsplein.nl complexe medische informatie begrijpelijk. Met door artsen gecontroleerde animaties geven we uitleg over behandelingen en onderzoeken: wat is het, hoe gaat het in zijn werk en welke complicaties kunnen optreden. Ook laten we specialisten aan het woord die antwoord geven op vragen over behandelingen en ziektes. Verder komen ook patiënten aan bod die laten zien hoe zij hersteld zijn na een operatie. Abonneer je dus op ons videokanaal met wekelijks nieuwe uploads! Zo blijf je op de hoogte van alle gezondheidsontwikkelingen!

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  • OOGLIDCORRECTIE ZONDER OPERATIE - PLEXR - diesnaloomans.nl & clinic63.nl


    Mijn ooglid correctie zonder operatie en hechtingen. Ik test PLEXR uit. Heeft dit echt effect? Hierbij film ik mijn herstel van dag tot dag. Zie voor en na. #PlexrSoftSurgery #plexr #ooglidcorrectie #clinic63 .
    Bedankt voor het kijken naar mijn video! Abonneer hier:

    Kliniek: CLINIC63-BABAK:

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    Diesna Loomans
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    Ik ben Diesna Loomans (31) en ik maak video's over:

  • PlexR - nowe możliwości w niechirurgicznej blefaroplastyce powiek


    Warsztat zorganizowany przez firmę Revisage.
    Zabieg wykonany przez dra Andrea Turchi.


  • Plexr® Dr Aleksandra Jagielska - nieinwazyjna blefaroplastyka powiek


    Zabieg nieinwazyjnej blefaroplastyki powiek wykonany przez Dr Aleksandrę Jagielską z użyciem generatora mikrowiązki plazmy Plexr®. Urządzenie Plexr® otrzymało w 2016 roku prestiżową nagrodę Perły Dermatologii Estetycznej przyznawaną przez Stowarzyszenie Lekarzy Dermatologów Estetycznych.

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    Voorlichting Ooglidcorrectie


    Waar moet je nu allemaal op letten als je een ooglidcorrectie wil doen? Hoe gaat het in z'n werk en wat zijn je rechten als patient? Deze vragen komen aan bod in de video. Wil je meer weten over gezondheid en je rechten als patient? Kijk dan op:

    Mocht je klachten hebben? Dan kun je kijken wat je het beste kunt doen op de klachtenwijzer:

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    Ooglidcorrectie zonder operatie - Iclinics.nl


    Ooglidcorrectie zonder operatie informatieve video. Bevat uitleg over hoe een ooglidcorrectie zonder snijden werkt. Meer informatie over huidverstrakking/huidvernieuwing met plasma energie?

    Neem contact op met [email protected] of ga naar de website iclinics.nl.

    Of bel locaties:
    Amstelveen, Gondel 1. Tel: 0800-1946
    Breda, Haagdijk 1. Tel: 0800-1946
    Landgraaf, Hoogstraat 145. Tel: 045 528 66 66

    maak direct een afspraak voor een kosteloos consult via

  • PLEXR Ameliyatsız Göz Kapağı Estetiği ile ilgili ShowTV Haber


    Göz kapağı estetiğinin ameliyatsız olarak yapılmasını sağlayan PLEXR Soft Surgery cihazı ile ilgili Show TV Haber'de çıkan videomuz. 03124482361 - Op.Dr.Orhan Murat Özdemir

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    PLEXR Non-Surgical Blepharoplasty


    PLEXR non-surgical blepharoplasty and removal of skin lesions. PLEXR utilises plasma technology, the fourth state of matter, to sublimate skin without the need for cutting or suturing. PLEXR causes no bleeding and there is minimal downtime.

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    KOMT DIT OOIT NOG GOED??? - PLEXR | Alfredo Hernando | VLOG 26


    In deze vlog neem ik jullie mee naar het culinair event Lekker Laren en krijg ik mijn eerste behandeling met PlexR. Het team van Barbery Clinic hebben mij erg goed geholpen en in deze video zal ik jullie meer uitleg geven over het product.
    Deze video is het begin van een erg druk maar leuk weekend. Ik had alleen veel te veel beeldmateriaal dus binnenkort de rest.
    Laat me weten wat je ervan vond en ik sta open voor jullie vragen.

    Voor meer info of wil je gelijk een afspraak maken ga naar:

  • Le Plexr


    Plexr est un nouveau dispositif qui permet de traiter les excès de peau qui provoquent un relâchement cutané ou les simples imperfections cutanées, sans bistouri. On pourra par exemple effectuer un lifting des paupières supérieures, atténuer les rides d'expression, effacer les cicatrices d'acné, effacer les taches brunes et même détatouer

  • Juvederm behandeling rondom ogen: C-lift


    Met de C-lift herstellen we volume rondom de ogen om zo rimpeltjes te verminderen.

    We gebruiken in deze video 2ml juvederm voluma op de MD-codes T1 en T2.
    Hierdoor worden de slapen opgevuld, zie je dat de wenkbrauwen omhoog komen en de ogen worden wat geopend.

    😷 Treatment: 2ml Juvederm voluma C- eye lift
    🎯 Purpose: Revitalise the entire eye region
    ✏ Note: Individual results may vary
    📱 Phone: 31 20 4211559
    📬 Email: [email protected]
    🌍 Website: dokterfrodo.nl
    🏥 Location: Amsterdam
    👏 Technique: Juvederm voluma and Volift
    😴 Anesthesia: Topical
    ⏰Time it takes: 30 mins -45 mins
    📆Recovery: No social downtime
    👍Lasts: Very long
    💣Caution: Must be performed by an experienced provider
    😱Pain level: Varies for each person: mild-none
    💵Average Cost: €1100 - €1700, depending on the size of the area and depth of procedure
    💳 Initial Private Consultation: Free of charge




  • Bloemingdael ooglidcorrectie


    In deze video wordt een correctie van de bovenoogleden uitgevoerd door drs. Kalam Ahmed. Een ooglidcorrectie is een veel uitgevoerde ingreep. De behandeling is relatief simpel met een korte herstelperiode. Cliënten ervaren na de behandeling, buiten het esthetische voordeel, verlichting van klachten als een vermoeide blik, zware ogen en irritatie tussen de huidplooi.

    Meer informatie over ooglidcorrecties vindt je hier:

  • PlexR behandeling voor verwijdering pigmentvlekken


    Een behandeling met de PlexR levert direct een definitief resultaat. De PlexR methode is volledig veilig en kan worden gebruikt voor vele esthetische doeleinden als ooglid- & wenkbrauwcorrecties, facelifting, rimpelverwijdering etc. Volg ons en blijf op de hoogte van de nieuwste video's!

  • البلازما .. تقنية جديدة للتخلص من ترهل الجفون دون جراحة


    البلازما .. تقنية جديدة للتخلص من ترهل الجفون دون جراحة

  • PLEXR Blepharoplasty explained


    PLEXR expert and speaker, Dr Dev Patel, demonstrates revolutionary method of Blepharoplasty. Diminish under eye wrinkles, eyelid folds, crow's feet. perfectskinsolutions.co.uk



    Wil je van overtollig huid op je bovenste of onderste ooglid verlost worden, dan kom je al snel bij een ooglidcorrectie uit. Ondanks dat het een relatief eenvoudige (poliklinische) behandeling is, kan het zijn dat je toch opziet tegen deze 'operatie' en hem voor je uitschuift, of in het ergste geval helemaal niet durft te ondergaan. Geen nood, vanaf nu kun je ook in Nederland terecht voor een ooglidcorrectie zonder operatie.

    PlexR is een relatief nieuwe behandeling waarbij je verlost wordt van hangende oogleden, zonder dat er een operatie nodig is. Zitten er risico’s aan deze behandeling? Is het effect hetzelfde als een 'echte ooglidcorrectie’? En wat kost het? ​In deze video beantwoordt Cosmetisch arts Rogier Meulenaar al jouw (en mijn!) vragen over de ooglidcorrectie zonder operatie.

    Wil je niets missen van mijn video's? Vergeet dan niet te abonneren, klik hier:

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  • Joyce haar ooglift met PleXr


    In deze video zie je Joyce (37) die last heeft van haar vermoeide blik. De PleXr belooft de huid te verstrakken en zo het oog te liften. De behandeling is Joyce meegevallen, het herstel daarentegen...

    Hou de website in de gaten voor de voor- en na foto!

  • Correction Acne Scars with PLEXR


    Correction of post-acne and other scars with Plexr

    With plasma, tissues “sublimate” (direct passage from the solid to the gaseous state of matter), avoiding unnecessary heating in the surrounding or underlying tissues of the area to be treated.

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