Lecture by Rabbi Aharon Bassous in response to a lecture by Rabbi Joseph Dweck

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  • Rabbi Joseph Dweck on the love between David & Yonatan and response from his lying critics


    Eli Mansour and Yosef Mizrachi among others distort and lied about a brilliant speech on homosexuality. Here is one clip side by side.

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    Rabbi Joseph Dweck - Male Homosexuality Shiur - May 2017


    FULL Audio copy - Rabbi Joseph Dweck - Male Homosexuality Shiur - May 2017

    Rabbi Dweck Source Sheet:

    Rabbi Dweck Clarifications -

    Rabbi Eli Mansour - Response to lecture -

    Rabbi Aaron Bassous - Response to lecture -

    Rabbi Yedid Meyer - Response to lecture -

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  • Lecture on the Five Books of Moses by Rabbi Manis Friedman


    For more about Rabbi Friedman's lectures please visit
    The Torah is broken into Five Books. The Hebrew names and the Greek names are very different. Rabbi Manis Friedman expounds on the meaning of each name of the Five Books of Moses.

    Follow Rabbi Friedman here

  • Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri Reveals Yeshua is Messiah!


    THE RABBI WHO FOUND MESSIAH!-Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri reveals the name of the Messiah before he died! He was a renowned Mizrahi Haredi rabbi and Kabbalist who devoted his life to Torah study. Isaiah 9:6 (KJV) For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.THE RABBI WHO FOUND MESSIAH! By Carl Gallups WND Books



    The Tanakh(Old Testament Bible) predicts the coming of Jesus Christ and his death and his Resurrection! My/Your Messiah has Risen! Isaiah 7:14: 14Therefore, the Lord, of His own, shall give you a sign; behold, the young woman is with child, and she shall bear a son, and she shall call his name Immanuel.

    Isaiah 9:6: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

    Micah 5:2: “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.”

    Zechariah 9:9: “Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.”

    Psalm 22:16-18 16 For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.

    17 I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me.

    18 They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.

    Isaiah 53:3-7 3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
    4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

    5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

    6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

    7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.

    Isaiah 50:6 6 I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting.

    Zechariah 12:10 10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.

    Ephesians 4:8-10 8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.

    9 (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?

    10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)
    Hear Carl Gallups LIVE on Freedom Fridays - Every Friday afternoon from 4-6pm CST on 1330 WEBY - streaming live over the net. Broadcasting to four states on the Gulf Coast and to the world by internet. OR HERE
    *Disclaimer-ppsimmons,Pastor Carl Gallups and Hickory Hammock Baptist Church provide no endorsement of the amy2x Channel or the use of his work on the amy2x Channel.
    It is very simple to be saved. Dear Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner, deserving of Hell. Please forgive me of my sins and take me to Heaven when I die. I now believe upon You alone, apart from all self-righteous works and religion, as my personal Savior. Thank you. Amen.

    God's simple plan of salvation is: You are a sinner. Therefore, unless you believe on Jesus Who died in your place, you will spend eternity in Hell. If you believe on Him as your crucified, buried, and risen Savior, you receive forgiveness for all of your sins and His gift of eternal salvation by faith.

    Further Info on Salvation at this Link:

  • Orthodox/Conservative/Reform Divisions - Rabbi Jonathan Sacks & Rabbi Joseph Dweck


    Are the current divisions with Judaism an Ashkenazi phenomenon? Why don't Sephardim have these problems?

    Rabbi Jonathan Sacks (UK Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi, Emeritus) & Rabbi Joseph Dweck (UK Sephardi Chief Rabbi) discuss this.

    Jewish Soundbites

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    The Rasha - Wicked & Corrupted Ideology Of Reform Rabbi Yosef Dweck Promotes Homosexuality


    The official channel of Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi.
    הרב יוסף מזרחי הערוץ הרשמי

    Rabbi Mizrachi is a world renowned speaker that has positively influenced hundreds of thousands of people to return to Judaism. Visit divineinformation.com for other lectures, events, DVD's, downloads and more!

    Audio lectures can be downloaded through the new divine information 2.0 app found on both the google and apple app stores.

    To contact Rabbi Mizrachi directly please visit

    Rabbi Mizrachi's audios/videos can also be be downloaded for FREE at TorahAnytime.com or the TorahAnytime App for iPhone or Android.

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    Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski On Decision Making


    Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski speaks about decision making.

    For more information and videos visit JInsider.com

  • Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi - Gays


    Rabbi Y Mizrachi relates to us about today's generation

  • Can Jews Study Koran? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz


    Oorah's founder, Rabbi Chaim Mintz, delivers a weekly Tuesday night class at Oorah's Torah Spot in Staten Island. The class is streamed live at each Tuesday night at 8:30pm

    Ask the Rabbi Live session begins at 9:00. Send your question to be answered by Rabbi Mintz by submitting it to [email protected]

    All questions are welcome!

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  • Avital and Joshs Wedding Highlights


  • Jewish Survival - 4 Minutes of Inspiration by Rabbi Joseph Dweck


    The fact that Jews have survived and thrived through a tumultuous history is food for thought. How do we respond to those who question Jewish nationalism, and the Jewish connection to the Land of Israel?

    UK Sephardi Chief Rabbi, Joseph Dweck, provides us with three of the most inspiring minutes we will experience.

    Jewish Soundbites

  • Lecture by Rabbi Dov Levy in response to a lecture by Rabbi Joseph Dweck


  • Is Social Media destroying our self-esteem? | Jewish Wisdom | J-TV


    Rabbi Joseph Dweck speaks to Ollie about how social media has magnified our reliance on the approval of our peers for self-esteem. This, he argues, is highly damaging and needs to be dealt with.

  • Rav Soloveitchik On Homosexuality-Interview with Rabbi David Bar-Hayim


    Rav Soloveitchik On Homosexuality

    Interview with Machon Shilo's Rabbi David Bar-Hayim

    Visit us at MachonShilo.org

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    India doesnt harbour Antisemitism, says Rabbi of New Delhis Synagogue


    Ahead of the historic visit by any Indian prime minister to Israel. WION's Jessica Taneja spoke to head priest of New Delhi's Synagogue

    World is One News, WION examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the news of the day. Our aim is to empower people to explore their world.

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  • Independent Minyan : Homosexualidad En La Torah


    Aprueba la Torah la conducta homosexual??? Una respuesta al Rabino Joseph Dweck:

    --Ha Satan (Satanas): El gran defensor de los Valores humanos--
    Un Midrash Judio, explica la forma en que operaba la perfidia e hipocresia de los Sodomitas. Estos se acercaban a los recien llegados, y fingian ser justos. En aquel tiempo, no existian aun los bancos, asi que, las personas que llegaban a Sodoma con alguna fortuna, solian esconder sus valores, enterrandolos en algun lugar secreto. ¿Que harian los Sodomitas? Pues pedirian a los extranjeros que, entre los valores que guardaban, guardasen tambien los de los Sodomitas (que consistian de caros y olorosos perfumes). En su ingenuidad, estos recien llegados no veian nada malo con este pedido. Pero, lo que no podian imaginar, era que, una vez caida la noche, los Sodomitas saldrian de sus casas y, como perros sabuesos, olfatearian el olor del perfume, hasta encontrar finalmente el lugar donde estaba todo enterrado. Asi, cuando a la mañana siguiente, el extranjero volvia por sus valores, descubria que su solicitud en guardar tambien los valores de los Sodomitas, le habia hecho perder sus propios valores.
    Algo similar ocurre al tiempo presente. El recien llegado a la fe, adquiere los valores claramente enseñados en la Torah; pero entonces llega un Sodomita (haciendose pasar por creyente), y le convence de guardar tambien sus valores: los derechos de la mujer; los derechos de la “comunidad” LGBT; los derechos de los ateos; y la libertad absoluta de expresion; asi como la igualdad de los sexos. El creyente ingenuo, no percibe nada malo con nada de esto. Lo que no comprende, es que esto no es sino un sagaz juego ideologico, cuya finalidad no es otra que despojarle de sus propios valores (los valores que ha aprendido de la Torah), condenando asi su alma. Es que, la idea de que “todos deberiamos ser iguales”, es el mas antigua de todos los engaños. De hecho, es tan antiguo, que fue la tentacion con la cual la serpiente engaño a Eva, trayendo asi maldicion sobre toda la humanidad. La serpiente dijo: “... No morireis, sino que sabe Dios que el dia que comais de el... sereis como Dios... (¡sereis iguales a Dios!)” - Gen. 3:4-5. Asi, alentandoles a guardar un “valor” que supuestamente no poseian (la igualdad), la serpiente termino despojando a nuestros primeros Padres de los valores que si poseian, de modo que terminaron alejandose (escondiendose) de Dios.
    De igual modo, cuando un creyente acepta la idea de que el hombre y la mujer son iguales, acepta inconscientemente que, tanto el hombre como la mujer, son “completamente iguales” (borrando asi toda distincion entre ambos sexos); es decir, que las aptitudes e inclinaciones del hombre, son tan validas y aceptables como las aptitudes e inclinaciones de la mujer (pues, de lo contrario, significaria que el hombre y la mujer son en efecto distintos). Asi, debe ser perfectamente aceptable que, si la mujer se maquilla, el hombre pueda tambien maquillarse; que si la mujer viste ropa femenina, el hombre pueda tambien vestir ropa femenina; que si la mujer se siente atraida por un hombre, el hombre pueda tambien sentirse atraido por otro hombre. Asi, esta linea de razonamiento, conduce al creyente a la aceptacion ideologica de la homosexualidad; algo claramente condenado por la Torah. Entonces, cuando el creyente llega a este punto, razona que, como su aceptacion de la homosexualidad, es el producto logico de abrazar el inequivoco valor que es “la igualdad”, si la Torah condena la homosexualidad, no significa otra cosa sino que la Torah esta equivocada; Y, si esta equivocada, significa que no es palabra de Dios, y por tanto sus valores y su mensaje no tiene un origen Divino que justifique que la creamos. Asi, al final de la jornada, el creyente que decidio tambien guardar como suyo el valor ajeno que era la igualdad, no solo termina endosando la homosexualidad, sino haciendose un ateo practico, perdiendo de ese modo sus propios valores.

  • Should You Love Your Enemy? - Rabbi vs Catholic Debate | J-TV


    Should you Love Your Enemy? as Christianity teaches. On the one hand we want to fight hate with love, but on the other hand it would be wholly irresponsible to start loving someone that is abusing you, or worse wants you dead - you need to defend yourself from them, even attack them. Is Love your enemy therefore a good doctrine to live by - Rabbi Joseph Dweck and Catholic Academic Professor Peter Tyler (St Mary's University) debate the issue on J-TV's Jewish Wisdom segment.

  • Rabbi vs Catholic - Must we avoid physical pleasure to be spiritual? | J-TV


    Rabbi Joseph Dweck (Senior Rabbi of the S&P; Sephardi community) debates Catholic academic Prof. Peter Tyler (St Mary's University) on the question of whether we need to abstain from the physical pleasures of this world in order to access spirituality in this world. The debate is moderated by J-TV's Ollie Anisfeld.

  • Perspectives: Episode 1 - God


    Perspectives is a brand new digital series of nine 1-3 minute episodes featuring Rabbi Joseph Dweck, Senior Rabbi of The S&P; Sephardi Community.

    Each film offers a 'bite size' meditation on a fundamental concept at the heart of Judaism. Themes include: faith, charity, sin, mitzvoth, God, man’s purpose, prayer, suffering, and Torah.

    The aim of the series is to offer unique approaches to familiar themes, to challenge preconceptions, and to deliver inspirational food for thought for everyday life.

    To see view more writings and classes by Rabbi Dweck visit sephardi.org.uk

  • Asher and Yisscas Wedding Highlights


  • What do we mean by God? - Rabbi Dweck | Jewish Wisdom | J-TV


    Rabbi Joseph Dweck (Senior Rabbi of the UK's S&P; Sephardi Community) talks to J-TV about how Judaism defines God and what it means to have a relationship with God.
    Jewish Wisdom | J-TV

  • Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi - on What a Real Jew is not


    Rabbi Y Mizrachi describes an experience of him with another religious Jew who stole his parking space

  • Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski On Anger


    Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski speaks about anger.

    For more information and videos visit JInsider.com

  • Rabbi Berland Admits To Criminal Offenses On Israeli Television Interview


  • Jews of Indian origin excited about PMs visit: Rabbi Ezekiel



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  • Gay Marriage


    Rabbi Mizrachi is a world renowned speaker proving that the Torah given to us by Moshe is divine without any doubt. Visit for other lectures, events, DVD's, and more!

    To contact Rabbi Mizrachi directly please visit

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    Are Liberal Jews an Enemy of Israel? by Rabbi Mizrachi


    Whether you are in the United States or Israel, there will always be liberals.
    Hear more from Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi:
    Subscribe to Social Dashboard:

    Listen to a highlight from Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi's lecture on what he thinks of liberals in Israel. Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi spoke at Social Dashboard on Sunday, August 9, 2015.

    Other Rabbi Mizarchi videos in this series include:

    • IRAN Nuclear Deal
    • Loving Your Fellow Jew
    • Destructive Force of Loshon Hora
    • Gay Marriage: Why Should We Care?

    For more on Social Dashboard like/follow/subscribe to us at:
    IG/twitter: @Socialdshboard

  • Rabbi Dwecks inauguration speech at Bevis Marks Synagogue, London


    Rabbi Joseph Dweck's address at his installation as Senior Rabbi to the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Congregation, September 21st 2014 at Bevis Marks Synagogue, London.

  • Evil Zionist Rabbi Abe Finkelstein Reveals the scary truth about Hamburgers&Sausages.; Shocking!


    A telephone interview with a Zionists Rabbi 'Abe Finkelstein'. See the true face of Zionism. They are not Jews they are Luciferians. Zionism the real terrorists of the world.

  • Rab Abe Discusses the meaning of Toeba and Jewish Concept of Love


    Much chatter regarding the meaning of the word to'eba and the Jewish concept of Love. This class sets the record straight!

    If you want to see the next class of Rab Abe,

  • Rabbi Mansour Gives Benediction in the NY Senate


    Rabbi Eli Mansour of Safra Synagogue in Brooklyn gives the benediction in the NY State Senate during the Teach NYS Mission to Albany on March 1, 2017.

  • ShabbatUK: Rabbi Joseph Dweck


    Rabbi Joseph Dweck, The Senior Rabbi of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Congregation shares a little bit about Shabbat with us in the run up to ShabbatUK.

  • Anthony and Hannahs Cinematic Wedding Highlights - UNBELIEVABLE DRONE FOOTAGE!!


    Fabulous wedding, amazing couple, lots of lovely drone shots, unbelievable venue - and Blend!! Does it get any better??!?

  • Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski On Love


    Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski speaks about love.

    For more information and videos visit JInsider.com

  • Does your tattoo bother you? Powerful message you need to hear - Rabbi Alon Anava


    it's part of your past and you can elevate it to a positive direction.

    This is part of the questions and answers from a long lecture of Rabbi Alon Anava about his personal near death experience.

    You can see the entire Near Death Experience story at

    To enjoy more Torah classes by Rabbi Alon Anava please visit us at

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  • Perspectives: Episode 3 - Faith


    Perspectives is a brand new digital series of nine 1-3 minute episodes featuring Rabbi Joseph Dweck, Senior Rabbi of The S&P; Sephardi Community.

    Each film offers a 'bite size' meditation on a fundamental concept at the heart of Judaism. Themes include: faith, charity, sin, mitzvoth, God, man’s purpose, prayer, suffering, and Torah.

    The aim of the series is to offer unique approaches to familiar themes, to challenge preconceptions, and to deliver inspirational food for thought for everyday life.

    To see view more writings and classes by Rabbi Dweck visit sephardi.org.uk

  • Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi - Jewish Torah Vs Muslim Quran


    Visit Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi Web Site -

    Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi Facebook -

    Rabbi Yossi Mizrachi On TorahAnyTime -

    Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi - Jewish Torah Vs Muslim Quran

  • Hadassa and Naamans Wedding Highlights


  • How to cope with the loss of a loved one? - Rabbi Alon Anava


    Unfortuantly the way of life is that we all experience grief from a loss of a loved one, but how can one cope with the pain? how can we get up back on our feet and move on? - All this and much more in this class

    To listen on soundcloud with the option to download the MP3 file

    This class was taken in Be'er Miriam women's institute of Tzfat. For more info visit

    Rabbi Anava's lecture's are available to listen on iTunes. Click this link:

    You can see the entire Near Death Experience story at

    For more interesting videos and torah classes by Rabbi Alon Anava visit

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    Is there life after death?

    Life After Death - Rabbi Alon Anava's Near Death Experience

    Mashiach is coming - are YOU ready?

    Rabbi Alon Anava's Near Death Experience in Hebrew

    This video can be watch on this page

    To visit Rabbi Anava's learning center in Israel visit this website for more info

  • Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi Battles A Christian During Lecture on Validity of New Testament / Jesus Christ


    From His Lecture in Great Neck, NY on June 18, 2014 ---- Rabbi Mizrachi Website: --- Rabbi Mizrachi YouTube Channel:

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    Rationalist vs Mystical Judaism – Rabbi Joseph Dweck in Conversation with Rabbi Dr. Natan Slifkin


  • Women responsible for being raped, should be killed – Yosef Mizrachi


    Another horrible misogynistic statement by Yosef Mizrachi, comparing women to cows and indicating they are responsible for being raped and deserve to be killed.

  • Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski On Responding To Stress


    Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski speaks about responding to stress. To find out more about his new book, visit:

    For more information and videos visit JInsider.com

  • God Runs the World POWERFUL lecture by Rabbi Ilan Meirov of Chazaq


    On Thursday Night September 24th 2015, the founder and director of the Chazaq organization Rabbi Ilan Meirov was a guest lecturer in the Kew Gardens community in Queens. Rabbi Ilan spoke about how G-d runs the world. The event took place at Congregation Shaare Tova and was dedicated in memory of Yair Netzer ben Avraham Nissianian. The event had a great impact on all those who attended.

    For more information about upcoming CHAZAQ events and programs, please Visit

    Together We Can Make A Difference, To donate online to CHAZAQ please visit

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    Seed Lag BaOmer Funday 14th May 2017


  • Joseph and Leas Wedding Highlights


  • Rabbi Dr. David Gottlieb - Jewish Philosophy: Elements of the World-View of King David


    The worldview of King David can be determined from the Psalms he composed. Rabbi Gottlieb examines selected Psalms in depth.

  • Rivka and Zach Wedding Highlights


  • Rabbi Friedman - The Soul and the Afterlife: Where Do We Go From Here?


    Sinai Indaba is an annual Torah convention of the foremost international Jewish leaders and thinkers. See more at: Sinai-Indaba.com

    Dubbed a superstar by the New York Times, world-renowned counselor and philosopher on emotional wellbeing, self-help and spirituality, Rabbi Manis Friedman has attracted international acclaim with his book, Doesn't Anyone Blush Anymore: Reclaiming Intimacy, Modesty and Sexuality in a Permissive Age. Bob Dylan described the book, which is currently in its fourth printing, as a must read, saying that anyone who is either married or thinking of getting married would do well to read Friedman's book. Rabbi Friedman is the Founder of the first ever women's yeshiva and hosts his own critically acclaimed cable television series, Torah Forum with Manis Friedman.

  • Rabbi Cohen delivers refreshments to Manchester police


    VIDEO: Rabbi Shneur Cohen delivers coffees and pastries to officers outside the #Manchester Arena today. {VIDEO CREDIT: Vincent McAviney/LBC]

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