Genetics Video Lecture
Takes notes as you watch this video on Gregor Mendel and basic inheritance.
Biology 1A - Lecture 25: Human Genetics and Epigenetics
General Biology Lecture
Genetics as Revolution - 2015 JBS Haldane Lecture with Alison Woollard
The ideas of genetics are revolutionary. Today, technology is galvanising disruptive change in our understanding and ability to intervene with nature itself. What can we change, and should we?
Professor Alison Woollard presents the 2015 Genetics Society JBS Haldane Lecture.
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It is an everyday observation that the offspring of elephants are elephants and the offspring of humans are humans. Our biology is, quite literally, written in our DNA, and the copying and transmission of this genetic information is the most extraordinary process on earth.
The ideas of genetics are revolutionary, from Mendel’s perfect 19th century description of the mechanism of heredity, through the molecular revolutions of the 20th century to the present day. Today, new technologies are galvanising disruptive change, not only in our understanding of biology, but in our ability to intervene in the very nature of life itself. What can we change? How? Why? And indeed, should we meddle at all?
“The bravest”, said Thucydides, “Are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it”. See if you agree.
Find out more about the JBS Haldane Lectures on the Genetics Society website:
Watch Alison Woollard’s 2013 CHRISTMAS LECTURES:
Alison Woollard is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Oxford where she is also a Fellow of Hertford College, Oxford. She gave the 2013 CHRISTMAS LECTURES, 'Life Fantastic'
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Genetics lecture 9 | Sex chromosome and sex determination
Genetics lecture 9- This lecture explains about sex chromosome and sex determination mechanisms in different animals.
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Virology Lectures 2016 #3: Genomes and Genetics
There are billions and billions of viruses on Earth, but only seven different types of viral genome. In this lecture we go over each genome type and trace the pathway to mRNA. We discuss the largest and smallest genomes, what is and is not encoded in the genome, and how to manipulate the genome to study viruses and make them into vectors for therapy.
Biology 1A - Lecture 14: Microbial Genetics and evolution-ch
General Biology Lecture
Introduction to Human Genetics- for medical students video lecture
This video lecture includes the definition of human genetics, its different branches, history, common terminologies, principle of human genetics, definition of Mendelian inheritance and classification of genetic disorders. This is specially designed for medical school students [MBBS, BDS, Nursing, Human Biology, Biotechnology]. It is the power point based video lecture with high quality audio and video.
Janak Awasthi
Genetics Part 1
4. Molecular Genetics I
(April 5, 2010) Robert Sapolsky makes interdisciplinary connections between behavioral biology and molecular genetic influences. He relates protein synthesis and point mutations to microevolutionary change, and discusses conflicting theories of gradualism and punctuated equilibrium and the influence of epigenetics on development theories.
Stanford University
Stanford Department of Biology
Stanford University Channel on YouTube
AIPMT Crash course lecture on genetics-blood group by siddharth sanghvi
Genetics Lecture 1
Basic genetics terms and symbols
This video reviews the basic terminology that you will need to know very well before attending Lectures 8 and 9.
Medical Genetics- Autosomal Dominant Disorders Video Lecture
This video lecture is the part of the lecture on single gene disorder or Mendelian disorder (inheritance). The lecture contains the classification of genetic disorder and then the detailed explanation of the autosomal dominant disorder. Explanations of facts with pedigree and the genetic risk assessment in different possible cases of gamete fusion and large numbers of examples are also incorporated. This may be useful for those preparing for USMLE and other licensing and entrance examinations.
Thanking you
Janak Awasthi
Biology 1B - Lecture 19: Population Genetics
General Biology
Introduction to Population Genetics - Lynn Jorde
April 9, 2014 - Current Topics in Genome Analysis 2014
A lecture series covering contemporary areas in genomics and bioinformatics. More:
Sample Lecture – Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics Karyotype and Fish
MCAT Biology Lecture: Introduction to Genetics
This lecture is part of series of lectures for the Mcatforme home study program. Visit our site for detailed MCAT schedules + course materials that accompany these lectures. If you'd like to self study for the MCAT using our free MCAT program, check out the books we recommend below:
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Linkage and Recombination, Genetic maps | MIT 7.01SC Fundamentals of Biology
Linkage and Recombination, Genetic maps
Instructor: Eric Lander
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Law of segregation | genetics lecture 2
Mendelian law of segregation - This genetics lecture explains about the law of segregation
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20. Human Genetics, SNPs, and Genome Wide Associate Studies
MIT 7.91J Foundations of Computational and Systems Biology, Spring 2014
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Instructor: David Gifford
This lecture by Prof. David Gifford is on human genetics. He covers how scientists discover variation in the human genome. He discusses how to prioritize variants based on their importance. And then covers how to prove causation, not just correlation.
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Genetics of Human Origins and Adaptation
Bones, Stones, and Genes: The Origin of Modern Humans.
Genetics of Human Origins and Adaptation
The second lecture of the Holiday Lectures on Science 2011 series by Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Lecture given by Sarah A. Tishkoff
Genetic evidence shows that humans evolved in Africa and continue to evolve.
Colorblindness Genetics Example
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Sum and Product Rule in Genetics
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Biology 1A - Lecture 25: Human Genetics and Epigenetics
General Biology Lecture
Immunology Lecture 11 Part 6 Genetics of Immunoglobulin Diversity
Immunoglobulins are important part of immune systems. These molecules are instrumental for defending against viruses, bacteria, and helminths etc. These molecules also are the main player in allergies. The wonderful thing about immunoglobulins is their genetics, class switching and structure. This series of lectures focuses on these aspects of the immunoglobulins.
Rhind Lectures 2015 Archaeology and Genetics Panel Discussion
Professor Mary Bownes, University of Edinburgh, chairs an international panel, including Professor Keith Dobney, University of Aberdeen, Dr Greger Larson, University of Oxford, Dr Eva-Maria Geigl, CNRS University Paris 7, and Professor Ian Barnes, Natural History Museum.
Genetics is providing new areas of research for archaeology. But how should we engage with both the process and the resultant data? Do the traditional archaeological approaches to individuals and groups, mobility and adaptation, and above all, identity, readily combine with genetics? Are current archaeological field techniques, skills and infrastructure fit for purpose? How should archaeology constructively interact with this brave new world?
Sponsored by AOC Archaeology Group and supported by Historic Scotland, the RSE and University of Edinburgh
6. Behavioral Genetics I
(April 12, 2010) Robert Sapolsky introduces a two-part series exploring the controversial scientific practice of inferring behavior to genetics. He covers classical techniques in behavior genetics and flaws, the significance of environmental factors, non genetic inheritance of traits, and multigenerational effects and relationship to epigenetic differences.
Stanford University
Stanford Department of Biology
Stanford University Channel on YouTube
Biology Lecture - 58 - Genetics
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Biology 1A - Lecture 14: I, PCR. Microbial Genetics and Evo
General Biology Lecture
5. Molecular Genetics II
(April 7, 2010) Robert Sapolsky continues his series on molecular genetics in which he discusses domains of mutation and various components of natural selection on a molecular level. He also further assesses gradualism and punctuated equilibrium models of evolution, integrating these theories into an interrelated model of development.
Stanford University
Stanford Department of Biology
Stanford University Channel on YouTube
Introduction to Quantitative Genetics by Bruce Walsh
Second Bangalore School on Population Genetics and Evolution
Just as evolution is central to our understanding of biology, population genetics theory provides the basic framework to comprehend evolutionary processes. Population genetics theory allows quantitative predictions of evolutionary processes, integrating mathematical and statistical concepts with fundamental biological principles of genetic inheritance and processes such as mutation and selection. Population genetics theory is thus critical to understanding many pressing issues in biology, such as the evolution of antibiotic resistance in pathogens, the formation of new species and the emergence of cooperative and altruistic behaviors.
This school aims to expose students and researchers from diverse backgrounds to the basics and the forefront of current research in population genetics. Students from the disciplines of biology, mathematics, medicine, physics, and statistics who are interested in evolutionary theory are all welcome to apply for participation in this program. The school will introduce and develop an understanding of population genetics and quantitative genetics, and their applications. Research seminars and poster sessions will also be held during this school.
ORGANIZERS: Deepa Agashe, Kavita Jain
Mendelian Genetics
029 - Mendelian Genetics
Paul Andersen explains simple Mendelian genetics. He begins with a brief introduction of Gregor Mendel and his laws of segregation and independent assortment. He then presents a number of simple genetics problems along with their answers. He also explains how advances in genetic knowledge may lead to ethical and privacy concerns.
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File:Alice's Restaurant.jpg. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, December 18, 2012.
File:Autosomal DOminant Pedigree Chart.svg, n.d.
File:Basal Ganglia and Related Structures.svg. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Accessed November 29, 2013.
File:Bendable Thumb.jpg. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Accessed December 1, 2013.
File:Ingrid Moller.jpg, n.d.
File:Meiosis Overview.svg. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Accessed December 1, 2013.
File:Neuron with mHtt Inclusion.jpg. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Accessed November 29, 2013.
File:Peas in Pods - Studio.jpg. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Accessed December 1, 2013.
File:Snow Pea Flowers.jpg. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Accessed December 1, 2013.
File:Woody Guthrie NYWTS.jpg. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Accessed December 1, 2013.
Madprime. Genetics Diagram: Punnett Square Describing One of Mendel's Crosses, between Parents That Are Heterozygous for the Purple/white Color Alleles., May 5, 2007. Own work.
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Genetics, epigenetics and disease
Royal Society GlaxoSmithKline Prize Lecture given by Professor Adrian Bird CBE FMedSci FRS on Tuesday 22 January 2013.
Adrian Bird CBE FMedSci FRS is the Buchanan Chair of Genetics at the University of Edinburgh.
The human genome sequence has been available for more than a decade, but its significance is still not fully understood. While most human genes have been identified, there is much to learn about the DNA signals that control them. This lecture described an unusually short DNA sequence, just two base pairs long, CG, which occurs in several chemically different forms. Defects in signalling by CG are implicated in disease. For example, the autism spectrum disorder Rett syndrome is caused by loss of a protein that reads methylated CG and affects the activity of genes.
The Royal Society GlaxoSmithKline Prize Lecture is awarded for original contributions to medical and veterinary sciences published within ten years from the date of the award.
Immunology Lecture 11 Part 9 Genetics of Immunoglobulin Diversity
(This video and its companions are uploaded on
Immunoglobulins are important part of immune systems. These molecules are instrumental for defending against viruses, bacteria, and helminths etc. These molecules also are the main player in allergies. The wonderful thing about immunoglobulins is their genetics, class switching and structure. This series of lectures focuses on these aspects of the immunoglobulins.
Lec 6 | MIT 7.012 Introduction to Biology, Fall 2004
Genetics 1 (Prof. Eric Lander)
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Genetic Engineering and Society, Lecture 1a, Honors Collegium 70A, UCLA
Course Description:
Honors Collegium 70A: Genetic Engineering in Medicine, Agriculture, & Law is a class that examines the historical and scientific study of genetic engineering in medicine, agriculture, and law, including examination of social, ethical, and legal issues raised by new technology.
About the Professor:
Bob Goldberg is a plant molecular biologist who specializes in the area of plant gene expression. The goal of his research has been to understand how plant cells differentiate and how genes are activated selectively in specialized cell types during plant development. He has received UCLA Distinguished Teaching Awards from the Department of Biology and the Department of Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology, and was awarded the all-campus Luckmann Distinguished Teaching Award from the Academic Senate.
Some clips and images may have been blurred or removed to avoid copyright infringement.
* See all the UCLA Honors Collegium 70A: Genetic Engineering in Medicine, Agriculture, & Law classes in this series:
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Genetics lecture 5 | dominant traits
This lecture explains about the dominant traits and the experiments that proved the existence of dominant allele and recessive allele.
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Genetics lecture 14 | Human genetics follow non mendelian inheritance
This genetics lecture explains how Human genetics follow non Mendelian inheritance genetics. It explains about polygenic inheritance and the role of multiple alleles in human inheritance biology.
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11F - Genetic chimeras
11F.mp4 This is Lecture 11F of the free online course Useful Genetics Part 2. All of the lectures are on YouTube in the Useful Genetics library. Register for the full course here:
31. Cancer 3
MIT 7.013 Introductory Biology, Spring 2011
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Instructor: Tyler Jacks
In this lecture, Professor Jacks continues the discussion on cancer genetics, followed by cancer therapies and prevention.
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Genetics - Sex Determination
Sex in organisms is determined by sex chromosomes or environmental factors
USMLE Step 1 Lecture Notes 2016 Biochemistry and Medical Genetics Usmle Prep
Chapter 08 Microbial Genetics and Genetic Engineering - Cowan - Dr. Mark Jolley
Chapter 08 Microbial Genetics and Genetic Engineering - Cowan - Dr. Mark Jolley
Dr. Mark Jolley, Cowan, Microbiology, Eagle Gate College, Provo College, Microbiology Fundamentals,
Genetics Lecture 2
Basics of Genetics
This video describes about basic concepts of genetics. It tells you about three aspects in genetics namely Heredity, Variation and Evolution. To know more information about these, wait for next videos which individually focuses on each of the three aspect.
यह वीडियो जेनेटिक्स के बुनियादी पहलुओं के बारे में वर्णन करता है। यह जेनेटिक्स के तीन पहलु heredity, variation एवं evolution के बारे में संक्षिप्त में बताता है। इन के बारे में अधिक जानकारी पता करने के लिए, इन तीन पहलू में से प्रत्येक पर केंद्रित अगले वीडियोज़ की प्रतीक्षा करें।
this was AIIMS-NOV2014 new MCQ
Dr. Pedro Sanchez GENETICS Lecture - LAMAC 2014
Dr. Pedro Sanchez, a Pediatric and Medical Geneticist with extensive experience working with microtia families, presents a lecture on the Genetics of Microtia and Atresia at the 2014 Los Angeles Microtia Atresia Conference
Dr Maurice Bichard - The Roslin Computational Genetics Lectures
13. Learning: Genetic Algorithms
MIT 6.034 Artificial Intelligence, Fall 2010
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Instructor: Patrick Winston
This lecture explores genetic algorithms at a conceptual level. We consider three approaches to how a population evolves towards desirable traits, ending with ranks of both fitness and diversity. We briefly discuss how this space is rich with solutions.
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