
Economics Lectures

  • Economics 1 - Lecture 1


    Introduction to Economics

  • Economics 1 - Lecture 2: Demand and Supply


    Introduction to Economics

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    MBA Lectures - Managerial Economics - Online MBA


    NIBM Global offers free MBA videos and webinars. Visit nibmglobal.com for more details.

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    Lec 1 | MIT 14.01SC Principles of Microeconomics


    Lecture 1: Introduction to Microeconomics
    Instructor: Jon Gruber, 14.01 students
    View the complete course:

    License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
    More information at
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    ECONOMICS AT UNIVERSITY - Chatting about what the first year Economics course at the university of Surrey was like.
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    Semester one modules:

    1) Introductory Economics

    - Indicative content includes:

    The definition of economics and rational behaviour,
    Specialisation and opportunity cost
    Markets, prices and elasticity,
    Government intervention in the price system
    The competitive firm,
    Measuring economic welfare,
    Utility theory
    Aggregate Demand in a closed or an open economy,
    The IS-LM model of the economy

    2) Quantitative Methods

    - Indicative content includes:

    descriptive statistics including central tendency, dispersion, skew
    discrete probability distributions
    mathematical foundations including linear, quadratic and simultaneous equations with economic applications,
    differentiation of functions of one variable
    function properties, concavity, convexity
    optimisation of economic functions

    3) Contemporary Issues in Economics

    - Indicative content includes:

    The financial crisis
    European integration and the sovereign debt crisis
    UK public debt
    Public policy in the UK: education; health and inequality.

    4) Economic Data Analysis

    - Indicative content includes:

    Data Handling and Charting
    Measuring GDP
    Measuring consumer prices
    Using computer softwares to produce descriptive statistics and charts

    Semester two modules:

    5) Mathematics for Economics

    - Indicative content include:

    Partial Derivatives and economic applications
    Total differentials and total derivatives
    Multivariate optimisation – unconstrained and constrained
    Differential calculus, including multivariate calculus
    Integral calculus
    Series and financial maths

    6) Statistics for Economics

    - Indicative content includes:

    Probability –mutually exclusive, independent and dependent events: Binomial, Poisson, Normal, t and Chi-squared distributions.
    Statistical inference – random samples; sampling distributions; confidence intervals and hypothesis testing.
    Covariance, correlation and expectation

    7) Principles of Macroeconomics

    - Indicative content includes:

    Market failures
    Government failures
    Monopoly and oligopoly
    Labour markets

    8) Principles of Macroeconomics

    - Indicative content includes:

    Macroeconomic data
    How countries grow
    Consumers’ and firms’ behaviour
    Competitive equilibrium
    Consumption, savings, investment and government deficits
    Business cycle analysis
    Labour markets and unemployment
    Money, inflation and banking

    (sorry if it seems like I'm completely disregarding A-level economics - definitely didn't mean for it to come out like that. I really enjoyed economics at A-level and at the time I did find it a little tough. I mainly just wanted to accentuate the fact that uni level economics was personally a lot more challenging and the content is quite new + different).

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    XIIth Economics Video Classes on National Income. Economics Video Lectures by CA M K Jain


    Purchase full Set of XIIth Economics Video Classes by CA M K Jain from us. For more information call or Whats app +91 9990112455 or visit micecareer.com

    CA CS CMA Video Classes Satellite online Classes video lectures and online Satellite Lectures by GOLD MEDALLIST CA M K Jain

    Purchase FULL Set of DVDs which Contain VERY VERY VERY VERY..... LARGE NUMBER OF SOLVED QUESTION VIDEOS along with Ebook.

    All This is MUCH MUCH MUCH ...... BETTER than FACE to FACE Classes.
    Demo Video Lectures and Video Classes for CA CS CMA B.Com, M.Com Student, 12th Class Students, 11th Class Students, BBA Entrance, MBA Entrance.

    We Provide CA Video Classes, CMA Video Classes, CS Video Classes, B.Com Video Classe, M.Com Video Classes, BBA Video Classes, MBA Video Classes

    Full Set of Video Classes and Video Lectures for CA CS CMA B.Com and M.Com are available.
    For Details
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    [email protected] for CA VIDEO CLASSES and CA VIDEO LECTURES
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    [email protected] for CMA VIDEO CLASSES and CMA VIDEO LECTURES
    2. SMS:- 99901112455
    3. Visit
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    350 Years of Economic Theory in 50 Minutes | Mark Thornton


    Featuring author and scholar Dr. Mark Thornton, this lecture was presented to a group of home school parents and students.

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    IAS Economics Lectures;IMF Part-1


    In this lecture i have explained International Monetary Fund and World Bank..

  • 12th Economics Offline Lectures On Theory Of Production and Cost Video Classes


    Purchase full Set of XIIth Economics Video Classes by CA M K Jain from us. For more information call or Whats app +91 9990112455 or visit micecareer.com

    CA CS CMA Video Classes Satellite online Classes video lectures and online Satellite Lectures by GOLD MEDALIST CA M K Jain

    Purchase FULL Set of DVDs which Contain VERY VERY VERY VERY..... LARGE NUMBER OF SOLVED QUESTION VIDEOS along with Ebook.

    All This is MUCH MUCH MUCH ...... BETTER than FACE to FACE Classes.

    For Details
    1. Mail [email protected]
    2. SMS/ Watsapp:- 99901112455
    3. Visit
    4. More Demo Videos on our Channel

    Subject: Micro Economics
    Topic: Theory of Production and Cost
    Sub Topic: Factors Of Production- Meaning and Introduction
    Faculty: C.A. M.K. Jain

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    Economics 421/521 - Econometrics - Winter 2011 - Lecture 1


    Economics 421/521 - Econometrics - Winter 2011 - Lecture 1 (HD)

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    Managerial Economics Part 1


    Watch Online MBA video lectures by IMT-CDL Prof. Rajni Ranjan on Managerial Economics
    To learn more about MBA distance learning course, please visit at

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    Lionel Robbins Memorial Lectures 2010 - Economic Growth, Human Welfare and Inequality


    Speaker: Lord Turner
    This event was recorded on 11 October 2010 in Old Theatre, Old Building
    Lord Turner will deliver the 2010 Lionel Robbins Memorial Lecture Series, running for three consecutive evenings (11/12/13 October). The overall theme of the 3 lectures is Economics after the Crisis. Amid the financial crash there was much talk of a crisis of capitalism and the need for a revolution in economics. Two years on much work is in hand to reform global financial regulation, but it is not clear that the crisis will produce change as radical as initially supposed. Adair Turner will argue, however, that the crisis should provoke us to think deeply about the conventional wisdom of the last several decades in which economic growth maximisation is the clear objective of economic policy, and market liberalisation, including in financial markets, the universally applicable means.

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    Here I have explained the importance of economics from UPSC prelims and mains point of view.

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    Lectures: 2013 Prize in Economic Sciences


    Two pillars of asset pricing
    Eugene F. Fama, University of Chicago, IL, USA

    Uncertainty outside and inside economic models
    Lars Peter Hansen, University of Chicago, IL, USA

    Speculative asset prices
    Robert J. Shiller, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA

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    Math 4. Math for Economists. Lecture 01. Introduction to the Course


    UCI Math 4: Math for Economists (Summer 2013)
    Lec 01. Math for Economists
    View the complete course:
    Instructor: Jason Kronewetter, Ph.D.

    License: Creative Commons CC-BY-SA
    Terms of Use:
    More courses at

    Description: UCI Math 4 covers the following topics: linear algebra and multivariable differential calculus suitable for economic applications.

    Recorded on August 5, 2013

    Required attribution: Kronewetter, Jason. Math for Economists 4 (UCI OpenCourseWare: University of California, Irvine), [Access date]. License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. (

  • IAS / UPSC Indian Economy lecture - Anuj Garg IAS Coaching


    All the important ECONOMIC terms which are being asked in various Exams are covered in this lecture . This lecture will cover Key terms such as GDP , Outsourcing , India China GDP Comparison , Giffin Goods , Gini Coefficient , and much more .

    (Note: This lecture is only a part of 3 Sessions )

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    IAS Economics Lectures- Balance of Payment part-1


    In this video I will be explaining to you what is balance of payments,what is CAD etc.

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    Economics Lectures in Hindi


    In economics lectures, you will learn 10 topics. All lectures are hindi for Indian students. All are free.

    Thanks admiralbob77 for background music which is taken from

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    XIIth Economics Video Classes on National Income. Economics Video Lectures by CA M K Jain


    Purchase full Set of XIIth Economics Video Classes by CA M K Jain from us. For more information call or Whats app +91 9990112455 or visit micecareer.com

    CA CS CMA Video Classes Satellite online Classes video lectures and online Satellite Lectures by GOLD MEDALLIST CA M K Jain

    Purchase FULL Set of DVDs which Contain VERY VERY VERY VERY..... LARGE NUMBER OF SOLVED QUESTION VIDEOS along with Ebook.

    All This is MUCH MUCH MUCH ...... BETTER than FACE to FACE Classes.
    Demo Video Lectures and Video Classes for CA CS CMA B.Com, M.Com Student, 12th Class Students, 11th Class Students, BBA Entrance, MBA Entrance.

    We Provide CA Video Classes, CMA Video Classes, CS Video Classes, B.Com Video Classe, M.Com Video Classes, BBA Video Classes, MBA Video Classes

    Full Set of Video Classes and Video Lectures for CA CS CMA B.Com and M.Com are available.
    For Details
    1. SMS to
    [email protected] for CA VIDEO CLASSES and CA VIDEO LECTURES
    [email protected] for CS VIDEO CLASSES and CS VIDEO LECTURES
    [email protected] for CMA VIDEO CLASSES and CMA VIDEO LECTURES
    2. SMS:- 99901112455
    3. Visit
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    5. More Demo Videos on our Channel
    6. More Demo Videos on our Channel
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    Crash Course in Non-Equilibrium Economics Lecture 1A


    Lectures on non-equilibrium economics at FLACSO (Latin American Social Sciences Institute). This first lecture covers why economics must be a disequilibrium discipline, and why it has thus far failed to become one.

  • Introduction to Economics, LSE Kick Off Day 2011


    Professor Amos Witztum provides an introduction to economics at the LSE Kick Off Day for students studying by distance learning through the University of London International Programmes in September 2011.

    To find out about gaining a University of London qualification with academic direction by LSE through distance learning visit:

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    Keynote lecture Jean Tirole


    Jean Tirole, Nobel Prize Winner 2014 in Economic Sciences, presented his work on Repeated Relationships with Positive Selection during the Spring Meeting of Young Economists 2015, an international conference for young non-tenured researchers in economics.

    This year’s edition was organized by the faculty of Economics and Business Administration (Ghent University).

    Title of the lecture: Moving Up a Demand Curve: Repeated Relationships with Positive Selection

    Abstract: In a number of interesting environments, dynamic screening involves positive selection: in contrast with Coasian dynamics, only the most motivated remain over time. This work provides conditions under which the principal’s commitment solution is time consistent and uses this result to derive testable predictions under permanent or transient shocks. It also identifies environments in which time consistency does not hold despite positive selection, and yet simple equilibrium characterizations can be obtained.

    “As one of the world’s leading economists, Tirole has been influential in the theoretical and practical application of game theory and information theory to industrial organization and regulation . His research interests also include finance, macroeconomics, international finance and economics and psychology. Tirole also serves as chairman of the executive committee of the Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse (IAST), which he helped found in 2011. He is an annual visiting professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the department of economics, where he was a professor for eight years before moving to Toulouse in 1992. He is the laureate of the 2014 Nemmers prize in economics and received the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel in the same year.”

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    Eric Maskin, Professor of Economics, Harvard University; Nobel Prize Winner in Economics


    Why has Globalization Increased Inequality in Developing Economies?

    A Lecture by Eric Maskin, Professor of Economics, Harvard University; Nobel Prize Winner in Economics

    Berlin International Economic Congress 2012
    (Berlin, March 7th-10th, 2012)

    The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies - Publications
    Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
    Follow us on Facebook

    #globalization #development #harvard

  • 2015 Nobel Lecture in Economic Sciences


    This year’s prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel was awarded Angus Deaton “for his analysis of consumption, poverty, and welfare”.

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    Introduction to public economics lectures


    This presentation was given by Paul Johnson at the IFS public economics lectures, held in London on 7 January 2016.

  • Theory of Consumer Behaviour. Determinant Of Demand. XIIth Economics Video Classes Lectures


    Subject: Micro Economics
    Topic: Theory Of Consumer Behaviour
    Sub Topic: Determinants of Demand
    Faculty: C.A. M.K. Jain

    Purchase full Set of XIIth Economics Video Classes by CA M K Jain from us. For more information call or Whats app +91 9990112455 or visit micecareer.com

    CA CS CMA Video Classes Satellite online Classes video lectures and online Satellite Lectures by GOLD MEDALIST CA M K Jain

    Purchase FULL Set of DVDs which Contain VERY VERY VERY VERY..... LARGE NUMBER OF SOLVED QUESTION VIDEOS along with Ebook.

    All This is MUCH MUCH MUCH ...... BETTER than FACE to FACE Classes.

    For Details
    1. Mail [email protected]
    2. SMS/ Watsapp:- 99901112455
    3. Visit
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    Elinor Ostrom Nobel Prize in Economics Lecture


    Elinor Ostrom, co-recipient of the 2009 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences and Arthur F. Bentley Professor of Political Science at Indiana University Professor, presents an updated version of her Nobel Prize lecture for an Indiana audience.

    This talk was given on February 16,2010

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    Nobel Prize Lectures of Thomas Sargent and Christopher Sims


    Nobel Prize Lectures given in Stockholm.

    United States Then, Europe Now
    Thomas J. Sargent, New York University, New York, NY, USA

    Statistical Modeling of Monetary Policy and its Effects
    Christopher A. Sims, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA

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    PUBLIC REVENUE , INDIAN TAX SYSTEM EXPLAINED : Civil Service Lectures Economics


    For more Visit :

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    Austrian Economics with Glenn Jacobs


    This economic presentation with Glenn Jacobs, aka Kane, was documented on September 5, 2013.

    0:00:00 - 1:03:16 - Austrian Economics Presentation
    1:03:30 - 1:16:33 - Q & A

    It really ticks me off when I hear leftists and statists talk about how the free market causes wealth inequality, the free market doesn't. The free market though out history has allowed poor people to pull themselves up and has given people more socio economic ability to move up and down the socio economic ladder, up, than anything else in history.
    Paul Krugman, who is a keynesian economist par excellence, just wants to inflate like crazy, but yet he writes a column for the New York Times and it's called 'Conscience of a Liberal', because he loves poor people despite the fact that he's the guy that's killing them, but then he'll look at someone like me and say you hate the poor. I don't hate the poor, I hate the fact that they're poor.
    —Glenn Jacobs (41:33 - 42:22)

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    Why Economists Disagree--Lessons from Astronomy. Kingston University Becoming an Economist Lecture 1


    The first lecture in the Kingston University introductory subject Becoming an Economist

    Economists clearly disagree with each other, in a manner that is quite unlike both the physical sciences and other social sciences. This lecture discusses why this is so, making an analogy to the state of astronomy back at the time of Copernicus and Galileo, where new observations and a new model challenged the view that the Earth was the center of the Universe. I introduce the 8 or so main approaches to economics, from both Freshwater and Saltwater variants of Neoclassical economics, through to Econophysics

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    Introducing Economics: Basic Concepts


    This is the second video in the Economics Animated series. This one focuses on key economic concepts.It covers:
    Economics defined
    Goods and Bads
    Key Economic Concepts:
    --Scarcity implies tradeoffs and opportunity costs: TANSTAAFL
    --People tend to choose rationally, responding to incentives and making decisions at the margin.
    --Markets and Trade tend to work well and make people better off.
    Microeconomics vs. Macroeconomics
    Economic models
    ceteris paribus

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    Economics, Democracy, & The New World Order | Danny Quah | TEDxKL


    The west historically have been dominating the global economy. With the rise of China and Asia, how would the world change with the new center of economy being a non Western and European focus.

    Danny Quah is Professor of Economics and International Development at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and Director of the Southeast Asia Centre at LSE’s new Institute of Global Affairs. He had previously served as LSE’s Head of Department for Economics and Council Member on Malaysia’s National Economic Advisory Council.
    Quah is Tan Chin Tuan Visiting Professor at the National University of Singapore, and lectures regularly at Peking University. He studied at Princeton, Minnesota, and Harvard, and was Assistant Professor in the Economics Department at MIT before joining LSE.
    Quah gave the third LSE-NUS lecture in 2013, a TEDxLSE lecture in 2012, and the Inaugural LSE Big Questions Lecture in 2011. His current research focuses on the shifting global economy and the rise of the east.

    This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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    Finance lectures in Masters program in Business Economics at OvGU


    Prof. Dr. Peter Reichling erläutert die Masterveranstaltungen der Finanzwirtschaft im Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg.

    Prof. Dr. Peter Reichling gives a description of finance lectures in Master's program in Business Economics at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany.

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    12th CMA CS Found CA CPT Video Classes of Economics Elasticity of Demand


    This is Demo Video Lectures for CA CPT Students covering Elasticity of Demand.
    Full Set of CA Video Classes and CA Video Lectures for CA CS and CMA are available.
    For Details
    1. Email:- [email protected]
    [email protected] for CA VIDEO CLASSES and CA VIDEO LECTURES
    [email protected] for CS VIDEO CLASSES and CS VIDEO LECTURES
    [email protected] for CMA VIDEO CLASSES and CMA VIDEO LECTURES
    2. SMS:- 99901112455
    3. Visit micecareer.com
    4. More Demo Videos on our Channel

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    Demand - Part 1 of 4 Economics Class XII


    Benefits of StayLearning One to One Tutoring
    • LIVE recorded video lectures. (Full Syllabus Covered)
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    We also offer blended learning program Customized to your need.
    We Provide Complete Video Lectures for Class XI, XII, B.Com (Prog), B. Com (Hons), M. Com, MBA.

    About StayLearning:
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    Video Lectures for Accountancy by Vijay Adarsh evolved as utility services for our own students. We had thought that recorded lecture would be an excellent reinforcement tool for the students and it proved to be exactly that. We have video lectures for Class 11th, 12th, B.Com (H/P), M.Com, MBA examination. These are our classroom lectures which form a very good source of study material. Now we also have special set of video lectures which are specially prepared to suit the need for the board students.
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    About Vijay Adarsh:
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    He started teaching students of and motivating people at the age of 17 and possesses a vast experience of teaching more than 45,000 hrs.
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    CA CPT Economics. CA CPT CS CMA Foundation Video Classes and Lectures CA CPT Lectures Online


    This is Demo Video Class for CA CPT Students covering Law of Demand.
    Full Set of Video Classes for CA CS and CMA are available.
    For Details
    1. Email:- [email protected]
    2. SMS:- 99901112455
    3. Visit micecareer.com

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    The Amartya Sen Lecture 2014


    Date: Friday 6 June 2014
    Speaker: Christine Lagarde
    Discussant: Professor Amartya Sen
    Chair: Professor Craig Calhoun

    Ms Lagarde will be speaking on the theme of 'empowerment'.

    Christine Lagarde (@Lagarde) is managing director of the International Monetary Fund. She was appointed in July 2011. A national of France, she was previously French finance minister from June 2007, and had also served as France's minister for foreign trade for two years.

    Ms Lagarde also has had an extensive and noteworthy career as an anti-trust and labour lawyer, serving as a partner with the international law firm of Baker & McKenzie, where the partnership elected her as chairman in October 1999. She held the top post at the firm until June 2005 when she was named to her initial ministerial post in France. Ms Lagarde has degrees from Institute of Political Studies (IEP) and from the Law School of Paris X University, where she also lectured prior to joining Baker & McKenzie in 1981.

    Amartya Sen is professor of economics at Harvard University and recipient of the 1998 Nobel Prize in Economics. He is an honorary fellow of LSE.

    Craig Calhoun is the director of LSE.

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    Frey Lecture 2007 | Joseph Stiglitz, The Economic Foundations of Intellectual Property


    Recorded on February 16, 2007 at Duke Law School.

    Professor Joseph Stiglitz of Columbia University presents the Sixth Annual Frey Lecture in Intellectual Property.

    Meredith and Kip Frey Lecture in Intellectual Property.

    Related paper: Joseph E. Stiglitz, Economic Foundations of Intellectual Property Rights, 57 Duke Law Journal 1693-1724 (2008)
    Available at:

  • Professor James Heckman: The Economics of Inequality and Human Development Lecture


    Nobel laureate, Professor James Heckman (Chicago) delivered a lecture on 3 September 2013 on The Economics of Inequality and Human Development.

    This policy lecture was organised by the Centre for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy (CPP) and the Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice, two ESRC research centres hosted at the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS).

    With support from University College London (UCL) and hosted by the British Academy.

  • Adam Smith and the Birth of Economics | Lawrence Reed


    Lawrence Reed, President of FEE, discusses Adam Smith's role in the development of economic thought. Mr. Reed outlines how Smith's background in moral philosophy led to his pioneering the study of economics. This lecture was given during the 2011 FEE Summer Seminars.

  • Introduction to Economics - APPSC / TSPSC / UPSC


    Download Indian Economy Notes for APPSC TSPSC here:

    Recommended Books for IAS Prelims, APPSC TSPSC Group 1,2

    Recommended Books for SSC RRB and Other Competitive Exams

    Basics of Economy, Different Branches of economy, Different sectors of economy lucidly explained with pictures and general life examples with focus on keywords and key lines. Very useful for Group 1 prelims, Group 2 and 4 and Staff Selection Commission. All these classes are in bilingual - telugu and english

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    two main schools of Economics lectures, BA, MA by Shalini Singh


    It is part of lecture presented by Shalini Singh, Lecturer at Biyani Girls College on behalf of Guru KPO. This lecture discusses the two main schools of economics i.e. Classical and Keynesian Economics. The lecture talks about the main foundations on which these two schools of economics have developed. Hope you liked it. For more videos visit:-

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    Introductory lectures on heterodox Economics - Till van Treeck - FMM


    FMM Conference The Spectre of Stagnation? Europe in the World
    Introductury Lecure on heterodox economics - Till van Treeck

    This Keynote is about: Inequality, imbalances and the crisis

    Description of the Conference:
    While the Great Financial Crisis has left its mark almost everywhere in the world economy, its regions have taken different paths in the aftermath. Europe, in particular, still suffers a prolonged slump with vast levels of unemployment and outright deflation posing a threat to political and social stability of the European Union. Is stagnation the new normal for Europe? Why did some parts of the world recover faster after the crisis, while others did not? Are their paths economically, ecologically and socially sustainable or do they only mask a general trend towards stagnation? The conference will discuss theoretical and empirical aspects as well as policy options. It will also deal with the implications of these developments for the economics curriculum.

    Papers for Download and more Information:

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    PUBLIC EXPENDITURE : Civil Service Lectures Economics


    For more Visit :

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    Sample Video Lectures for CA CPT CPC Video Classes of Economics on LAW of DEMAND


    This is Just a Sample Video and not a Complete Video.

    For Complete Videos
    Purchase DVD Lectures and Video Classes by CA M K Jain who is a GOLD MEDALIST and a NORTH INDIA TOPPER of CA and CMA. He is A Graduate of SRCC.

    These DVDs contain Very Very Very Very Very ......... large number of Solved Questions. These are MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH ........ better than FACE to FACE Lectures.

    To judge watch this Demo Video Lectures and Video Classes for CA CS CMA B.Com and M.Com Students.

    For Details
    1. Email:- [email protected]
    [email protected] for CA VIDEO CLASSES and CA VIDEO LECTURES
    [email protected] for CS VIDEO CLASSES and CS VIDEO LECTURES
    [email protected] for CMA VIDEO CLASSES and CMA VIDEO LECTURES
    2. SMS:- 99901112455
    3. Visit
    4. More Demo Videos on our Channel
    5. More Demo Videos on our Channel

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    Sample Video Lectures for CA CPT CPC Video Classes OF Economics ON ELASTICITY of DEMAND


    This is Just a Sample Video and not a Complete Video.

    For Complete Videos
    Purchase DVD Lectures and Video Classes by CA M K Jain who is a GOLD MEDALIST and a NORTH INDIA TOPPER of CA and CMA. He is A Graduate of SRCC.

    These DVDs contain Very Very Very Very Very ......... large number of Solved Questions. These are MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH ........ better than FACE to FACE Lectures.

    To judge watch this Demo Video Lectures and Video Classes for CA CS CMA B.Com and M.Com Students.

    For Details
    1. Email:- [email protected]
    [email protected] for CA VIDEO CLASSES and CA VIDEO LECTURES
    [email protected] for CS VIDEO CLASSES and CS VIDEO LECTURES
    [email protected] for CMA VIDEO CLASSES and CMA VIDEO LECTURES
    2. SMS:- 99901112455
    3. Visit
    4. More Demo Videos on our Channel
    5. More Demo Videos on our Channel

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    Indian Economy - PTs IAS Academy - Sample Lecture 4 - by Sandeep Manudhane


    This is the full session, as part of latest UPSC self prep course.

    Our entire course is in bilingual mode - English + Hindi - making it EXTREMELY EASY to understand. POWER NOTES of several pages, made from deep research, are dictated in each session.
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    Topic 1: Introduction | Economics 2450A: Public Economics


    Raj Chetty
    Fall 2012

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    Esther Duflo lectures on Poor Economics: Rethinking Anti-Poverty Policy


    Professor of Poverty Alleviation and Development Economics and director of the Poverty Action Lab at MIT, Esther Duflo explains how randomized trials of strategies to address poverty yield proven outcomes that sometimes contradict anti-poverty policy. She is co-author of Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty.

    Her talk at Holy Cross was held October 27, 2011.

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