A Brief Introduction to Marxism

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    Karl Marx remains deeply important today not as the man who told us what to replace capitalism with, but as someone who brilliantly pointed out certain of its problems. The School of Life, a pro-Capitalist institution, takes a look. If you like our films, take a look at our shop (we ship worldwide):


    “Most people agree that we need to improve our economic system somehow. It threatens our planet through excessive consumption, distracts us with irrelevant advertising, leaves people hungry and without healthcare, and fuels unnecessary wars. Yet we’re also often keen to dismiss the ideas of its most famous and ambitious critic, Karl Marx. This isn’t very surprising. In practice, his political and economic ideas have been used to design disastrously planned economies and nasty dictatorships. Frankly, the remedies Marx proposed for the ills of the world now sound a bit demented. He thought we should abolish private property. People should not be allowed to own things. At certain moments one can sympathise. But it’s like wanting to ban gossip or forbid watching television. It’s going to war with human behaviour. And Marx believed the world would be put to rights by a dictatorship of the proletariat; which does not mean anything much today. Openly Marxist parties received a total of only 1,685 votes in the 2010 UK general election, out of the nearly 40 million ballots cast…”

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    Capitalism and Socialism: Crash Course World History #33


    Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit to buy a set for your home or classroom.

    In which John Green teaches you about capitalism and socialism in a way that is sure to please commenters from both sides of the debate. Learn how capitalism arose from the industrial revolution, and then gave rise to socialism. Learn about how we got from the British East India Company to iPhones and consumer culture in just a couple of hundred years. Stops along the way include the rise of industrial capitalism, mass production, disgruntled workers, Karl Marx, and the Socialist Beard. The socialist reactions to the ills of capitalism are covered as well, and John discusses some of the ideas of Karl Marx, and how they've been implemented or ignored in various socialist states. Plus, there are robots!


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  • Why Marxism Cannot Work


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  • What is Marxism? – 8-Bit Philosophy


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    Episode 9: What is Marxism?
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  • Marxism and social classes


    The following video describes Marxist theory and social classes, along with an explanation of how these social classes contribute to the bigger picture today and historically.

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    The Foundations of Leninism (read online):

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  • Adam Smith vs. Karl Marx - The Industrial Revolution Philosophers


    via YouTube Capture

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    *Source: WEF report Jan 2016 – “The Future of Jobs report”

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  • Karl Marx - The Dialectic Process


    The Dialectic Process is a diagram that Marx uses to explain how society changes from where it is to a state of more rational thinking.

    An explanation of the steps of the dialectic and how to apply the steps of this process to society.

  • Dependency Theory


    A description of global associated with neo-Marxist theory, particularly in Central and South America. The theory describes how economic elites across states collude to promote their own economic and political interests.

  • Alienation


    This video focuses on the concept of alienation and its four different types as described by Karl Marx. The four different types are:
    Alienation from the Product
    Alienation from the Process
    Alienation from Others
    Alienation from Self
    Additionally, the video gives a brief explanation of the two social classes as defined by Marx- the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat. The idea of a bread maker versus working in a bread factory is used to illustrate this idea. Further explanation of this concept can be found on pages 82-83 in Sociology 2e by OpenStax College.

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    What is sociology???


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  • Economics: Capitalism, Socialism & Communism Explained


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  • Marxs Theory of Economic Crisis


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    Functionalism is a theory of society that focuses on the structures that create the society and on how the society is able to remain stable.

    Also check out the Khan Academy MCAT test prep section ( for more sociology videos.

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  • Marxism Today 7: Historical Materialism


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    Episode 7 -- Historical Materialism

  • Marxian crisis theory: Class Conflict, Wages and Crises


    Taken from BBC series MASTERS OF MONEY: Marx. A nice little illustration of the catch-22 situation that capitalists encounter, according to Marx, regardless of whether wages are high or low.

  • Explaining Marxist Perspectives on Religion


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  • Karl Marx Documentary in Hindi | Father of Communism | German Philosopher & Economist


    In this video i have shown the true story of founder of communism Karl Marx and his struggle. how he made his carrier.
    Early Life
    Karl Heinrich Marx was one of nine children born to Heinrich and Henrietta Marx in Trier, Prussia. His father was a successful lawyer who revered Kant and Voltaire, and was a passionate activist for Prussian reform. Although both parents were Jewish with rabbinical ancestry, Karl’s father converted to Christianity in 1816 at the age of 35.
    This was likely a professional concession in response to an 1815 law banning Jews from high society.
    In October of 1835, Marx began studying at the University of Bonn. It had a lively and rebellious culture, and Marx enthusiastically took part in student life. In his two semesters there, he was imprisoned for drunkenness and disturbing the peace, incurred debts and participated in a duel. At the end of the year, Marx’s father insisted he enroll in the more serious University of Berlin.
    In Berlin, he studied law and philosophy and was introduced to the philosophy of G.W.F. Hegel, who had been a professor at Berlin until his death in 1831. Marx was not initially enamored with Hegel, but he soon became involved with the Young Hegelians, a radical group of students including Bruno Bauer and Ludwig Feuerbach, who criticized the political and religious establishments of the day.
    In 1836, as he was becoming more politically zealous, Marx was secretly engaged to Jenny von Westphalen, a sought-after woman from a respected family in Trier who was four years his senior. This, along with his increasing radicalism, caused his father angst. In a series of letters, Marx’s father expressed concerns about what he saw as his son’s “demons,” and admonished him for not taking the responsibilities of marriage seriously enough, particularly when his wife-to-be came from a higher class.
    Marx did not settle down. He received his doctorate from the University of Jena in 1841.
    Paris was the political heart of Europe in 1843. There, along with Arnold Ruge, Marx founded a political journal titled Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher (German-French Annals). Only a single issue was published before philosophical differences between Marx and Ruge resulted in its demise, but in August of 1844, the journal brought Marx together with a contributor, Friedrich Engels, who would become his collaborator and lifelong friend. Together, the two began writing a criticism of the philosophy of Bruno Bauer, a Young Hegelian and former friend of Marx’s. The result of Marx and Engels’s first collaboration was published in 1845 as The Holy Family.
    Later that year, Marx moved to Belgium after being expelled from France while writing for another radical newspaper, Vorwärts!, which had strong ties to an organization that would later become the Communist League.
    In Brussels, Marx was introduced to socialism by Moses Hess, and finally broke off from the philosophy of the Young Hegelians completely. While there, he wrote The German Ideology, in which he first developed his theory on historical materialism. Marx couldn’t find a willing publisher, however, and The German Ideology -- along with Theses on Feuerbach, which was also written during this time -- were not published until after his death.
    At the beginning of 1846, Marx founded a Communist Correspondence Committee in an attempt to link socialists from around Europe. Inspired by his ideas, socialists in England held a conference and formed the Communist League, and in 1847 at a Central Committee meeting in London, the organization asked Marx and Engels to write Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei (Manifesto of the Communist Party).
    The Communist Manifesto, as this work is commonly known, was published in 1848, and shortly after, in 1849, Marx was expelled from Belgium. He went to France, anticipating a socialist revolution, but was deported from there as well. Prussia refused to renaturalize him, so Marx moved to London. Although Britain denied him citizenship, he remained in London until his death.
    In London, Marx helped found the German Workers’ Educational Society, as well as a new headquarters for the Communist League. He continued to work as a journalist, including a 10-year stint as a correspondent for the New York Daily Tribune from 1852 to 1862, but he never earned a living wage and was largely supported by Engels.
    Marx became increasingly focused on capitalism and economic theory, and in 1867, he published the first volume of Das Kapital.
    Marx died of pleurisy in London on March 14, 1883. While his original grave had only a nondescript stone, the Communist Party of Great Britain erected a large tombstone, including a bust of Marx, in 1954.
    LTE Motivation

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  • Karl Marx on Alienation


    Karl Marx believed that work, at its best, is what makes us human. It allows us to live, be creative and flourish. But under capitalism he saw workers alienated from each other and the product of their labour.

    Narrated by Gillian Anderson. Scripted by Nigel Warburton.

    From the BBC Radio 4 series about life's big questions - A History of Ideas.

    This project is from the BBC in partnership with The Open University, the animations were created by Cognitive.

  • Communism | The 20th century | World history | Khan Academy


    Overview of Communism and Marxist-Leninist states. Created by Sal Khan.

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  • Teoria Marxista sociologia


    -- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool that allows you to develop cool animated clips and animated presentations for your website, office meeting, sales pitch, nonprofit fundraiser, product launch, video resume, or anything else you could use an animated explainer video. PowToon's animation templates help you create animated presentations and animated explainer videos from scratch. Anyone can produce awesome animations quickly with PowToon, without the cost or hassle other professional animation services require.

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    Further information about this video is available at

    © Williams College (2012)

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    Recommended Reading:
    Karl Marx, Das Kapital
    Rosa Luxemburg, The Accumulation of Capital
    Alexander Anievas, How The West Came to Rule

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    Music: ‘Chiptune Anthem One,’ ‘Tek’s Abomination,’ and ‘Digital Leapfrog’ by TechnoAxe -

    Title Animation by Amitai Angor AA VFX -

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  • Social Psychological Theories of Aggression - Social Learning Theory


    Aggression as explained via Bandura's Social Learning Theory. Note - doesn't describe the bobo doll experiment in detail - see my other videos for this.

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    Does Capitalism Exploit Workers? - Learn Liberty


    The idea that capitalism exploits workers stems from Karl Marx's work in the late 1800s. Learn more: Although the definition of exploitation has changed since then, many still believe capitalist systems take advantage of vulnerable workers. Prof. Matt Zwolinski explains why capitalism actually tends to protect workers' interests. And Zwolinski contends that even if it were exploitative, increasing political regulation and control would actually make the problem worse. Increases in government make citizens more vulnerable to the state. Political officials are tempted to exploit this vulnerability for the benefit of the politically well connected. Unlike free market transactions, which are mutually beneficial, when politics is involved one party's gain usually comes at someone else's expense.

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  • Marxism 101: How Capitalism is Killing Itself with Dr. Richard Wolff


    Despite a concerted effort by the U.S. Empire to snuff out the ideology, a 2016 poll found young Americans have a much more favorable view of socialism than capitalism.

    Though he died 133 years ago, the analysis put forward by one of the world’s most influential thinkers, Karl Marx, remains extremely relevant today. The Empire’s recent rigged presidential election has been disrupted by the support of an avowed socialist, Bernie Sanders, by millions of voters.

    To find out why Marx’s popularity has stood the test of time, Abby Martin interviews renowned Marxist economist Richard Wolff, Professor Emeritus of Economics at UMass - Amherst, and visiting professor at the New School in New York.

    Prof. Wolff gives an introduction suited for both beginners and seasoned Marxists, with comprehensive explanations of key tenets of Marxism including dialectical and historical materialism, surplus value, crises of overproduction, capitalism's internal contradictions, and more.

    Watch teleSUR's The Empire Files every Friday.

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    Music by Fluorescent Grey

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    In this RSA Animate, celebrated academic David Harvey looks beyond capitalism towards a new social order. Can we find a more responsible, just, and humane economic system?

    The RSA is a 258 year-old charity devoted to creating social progress and spreading world-changing ideas. For more information about our research, RSA Animates, free events programme and 27,000 strong fellowship.

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    Produced and edited by Abi Stephenson, RSA.

    Animation by Cognitive Media. Andrew Park, the mastermind behind the Animate series and everyone's favourite hairy hand, discusses their appeal and success in his blog post, 'Talk to the hand':

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    Diseny' Recess, Wikipedia

    Capital, Vol, I, pp. 690-691

    Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, Chapter 3: Historical Materialism, Marxists.org

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  • Karl Marx - The Revolutionary Scholar I THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION


    Karl Marx is considered one of the most important philosophical scholars of all times. The changes the industrial revolution brought to society raised many social questions. In a world of growing capitalism, the German philosopher raised the topic of equality. Considered one of the most important philosophers of his time, his economic analysis for the wealth of workers were read everywhere. His best known book, Capital: Critique of Political Economy (Das Kapital), criticizing the current economical system, would become a bible for communists around the world. Besides some positive changes in thinking, a lot of misery was committed in his name, taking the idea of socialism to a new level.

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    Presented by: Brett Ortgiesen
    Based on the script by: Ella TheBee
    Translated by: Brett Ortgiesen
    Directed By: Daniel Czepelczauer
    Director of Photography: Markus Kretzschmar
    Music: Markus Kretzschmar and Daniel Czepelczauer
    Sound Design: Bojan Novic
    Editing: Markus Kretzschmar

    A Mediakraft Networks original channel
    Based on a concept by Florian Wittig and Daniel Czepelczauer
    Visual conception: Markus Kretzschmar
    Executive Producers: Astrid Deinhard-Olsson, Spartacus Olsson
    Head of Production: Michael Wendt
    Producer: Daniel Czepelczauer
    Social Media Producer: Hendrik Sontheim
    Social Media Manager: Florian Wittig and Laura Pagan

    Contains material licensed from British Pathé
    All rights reserved - © Mediakraft Networks GmbH, 2015

  • How to Narrate Your Life Story


    The difference between despair and hope often boils down to different ways of telling stories from the same set of facts. Some of the art of living means learning how to tell the story of our lives back to ourselves. If you like our films, take a look at our shop (we ship worldwide):
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  • Chomsky criticizes postmodern feminism & marxism


    Note: for all the irrational idiots who say this is out of context, take the wax out of your ears and listen to the words uttered by Chomsky to describe irrational attacks against scientists 1) sexist - a feminist accusation 2) bourgeois - a Marxist accusation. Also, right before this, the interviewer specifically asks him to address left criticisms of science, which includes Marxism and feminism.

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    Recommended Reading:
    Malcolm Harris, “Hooray for Cultural Marxism,”
    William Lind, “The Origins of Political Correctness,”
    Michael Minnicino, “The Frankfurt School and Political Correctness,”

    If you or your organisation would like to financially support Philosophy Tube in distributing philosophical knowledge to those who might not otherwise have access to it in exchange for credits on the show, please get in touch!

    Music: ‘Chiptune Anthem One,’ ‘Tek’s Abomination,’ and ‘8 Bit Robot Dance Party’ by TechnoAxe -
    ‘Phantom From Space’ by Kevin MacLeod – incompetech.com

    Frankfurt School picture By Jjshapiro at en.wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0,

    Any copyrighted material should fall under fair use for educational purposes or commentary, but if you are a copyright holder and believe your material has been used unfairly please get in touch with us and we will be happy to discuss it.

  • Karl Marx - Smashing Documentary


    A-level students of Sociology - this is right up your street!
    Enjoy comrades...

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